Friday, December 19, 2008

I was totally Impressed

Today was Ana's birthday.And we are proud that we are invited.It's a simple birthday party but full of love.She turn's 21st today.They are a Polynesian TOnngan.Hope I spell it right.They have a very nice tradition.But before the eating ha ha ha..her Dad had a little speach about Ana.He tell us that he is proud that he had 2 good girls.When his two girls are in high school they ask there dad "IN what age they can use make up" at age 18 "What age they could have a boyfriend" at age 21. Her Dad proud of it.He dont need to push ANa and her sister to help the church or come the church every Sunday.Nor say ay bad words to him,if there is it's not worse like we usually heard form the young ones now.Ana's dad was proud of her daughter.THen follow the Tonggan's song,then the preacher's message and of course the birthday song and blowing the candles.THen of course the delicious food.Thanks for the Tupou family for inviting us.And for the good meal and the take home meal.For ANa....Bestfriend! Im wishing all the best for you.We love you and thanks for being such a good friend in our family.HOpe you will never change.