SOmetimes I dont know what to share in my blog.Im thinking that my story is the big thing that I could share for everybody.
I was in 2nd year high school when I was pregnant. Everybody mad on me because they have high expectation to me specially my dad and my grandmother and everybody. THey said a daughter is a daughter and a parent is a parent.My dad send me to my relatives in Manila until I gave birth.I was young at that time and I dont know what to do?THey are planning to let somebody adopt my little girl until they decide to keep it.So, on my big day my cousin decided to put my MOm and dad as the parents of daughter.TO avoid illigetimate.SO to make the story my daughter is my sister.I was like a puppet at that time that whatever they say I DO!.....what is in my mind at that time is I dont want them to be dissapointed again.I love my daughter.It's stress relieve.After 4 months since I gave birth my daughter my parents and grandparents want me to come home.SO we did and everybody accept me specially my daughter....oh my sister....and they love it....When school starts I finished my college and finally I graduated Bachelors degree.ONe month after I graduated I found a job in MAnila as an Admin Officer.I dont know what to do at that time.I miss my daughter-sister but I need to work for her.I dont want to be dependent with my grandparents and parents forever.THen suddenly,sadness comes while IM working my sister passed away, following the year my Lolo then after a year my Dad.I was broken-hearted.My friends and families are always there for me. At that time, I found a man which is my husband now who my foster sister introduce it to me.I have to many suitors in the office but I ignore them and honestly I dont feel love on them.I dont know why?THen I met my hubby.I told him about my daughter is my sister.ANd it dont bother on him beside he like kids.After four years I was with my hubby in US.We got married and plan to get my daughter over here.It's not that easy.There is a conflict.YOU know why because in reality she is my daughter but in the birth certificate she is my sister and my MOm's daughter......
to be continued.....................
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
MOther,Sister,daughter PART I
Posted by My treasure at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: daughter story, Mothers day, sister
Prayers from friends
We have an out-to-lunch today with the church members.And everybody is praying for our safe trip and wishing we could bring back here in US our little girl. This afternoon we visit the FIRTH'S FAMILY. I will miss their smart two yrs old.SO we play for a while while hubby is busy talking with them.Before we leave the FIRTH'S FAMILY say a prayer for our trip.
To all my friends thank you so much for all the prayers. We need it.Keep us in your prayers specially the court adoption hearing day.
Posted by My treasure at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Peanut BUtter Fudge

2 cups packed brown sugar
2 cups white sugar
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1.) Butter one 9x9 inch pan and set aside.
2.) In a 3 quart saucepan, combine white sugar, brown sugar, milk, and butter. Cook to soft ball stage, 234 degrees F (112 degrees C). Remove from heat.
3.) Stir in peanut butter, vanilla and marshmallows; continue stirring until marshmallows are melted. Pour into prepared pan and cool. Cut into squares and serve.
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups white sugar
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter
1 tablespoon margarine
1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract
Mix brown and white sugar with the milk in large pot; bring mixture to a boil. Stir in peanut butter, reduce heat to medium and bring the mixture back to boil (stirring constantly). Remove the pot from heat when a drop of the mixture forms a ball in a glass of cold water.
Stir margarine and vanilla into the mixture; stir vigorously until the fudge hardens. ( Always stir in same direction.) Pour fudge onto buttered plates or waxed paper. Let cool and cut into 1 inch pieces
Posted by My treasure at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: peanut butter fudge, recipe
Monday, May 4, 2009
Cheap Shorts at Burke's Outlet
HUbby want's a new pair of short. He is not to picky like me so I went to Burke's Outlet.IT's just half mile where we live. I pick 2 shorts and it cost $22 each. I pay in the cashier.The cashier said it's 139.....I was schock!I said to her what?.she reply "Yeah it's $1.39.".........I told her is it really, Im not a senior citizen??????...Burkes Outlet have this so called MOnday CLub for 50 yrs old and above 10% off and Friday for 40 yrs old below.Anway,she said the shorts is on sale.When she hand me the receipt's It's says 95% off.....they almost given it away...ha ha ha ha ........Do you know how much I pay for a pair of shorts It's .65cents each pair of the shorts.Could you believe that? I never bought a pair of short that cheap.... The shorts that I bought for hubby is not ugly.It's St.PAtrick Brand that you can buy in Jeccy Penney for $35.I tell you what GOD IS GOOD.He knows that we have a trip coming to the Philippines.
Posted by My treasure at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: cheap shorts
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Larena,Siquijor Happy Fiesta

Posted by My treasure at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: fiesta, st vincent ferre
Six days more to go
It's saturday and Im off from work. for a month....yeheeyyyyyyyy...six days more to go.....I would like to thank my Boss Lady,that's what I call her for letting me to have a very long vacation.Im getting ready now.We will going to the mall buy some PASALUBONG for my family and by tomorrow after church I will start packing.We will just bring travel light to avoid delayed in the immigration....
Posted by My treasure at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Philippine Vacation Countdown
Seven days more to go I'll be in the Philippines...Yeheey......Im so excited so with my hubby.IT's been three years since the last time I seen my family and folks.I would like to thank GOd because my 10 yrs green card arrived first wk of April then my Philippine PAssport arrived last week,exactly six wks....God is good all the time....Mga kababayan see you soon.....
Posted by My treasure at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: vacation