Monday, March 31, 2008
Count Your Blessings
Posted by My treasure at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
One reason antique china is still beautiful after a hundred plus years is that it had careful treatment. It was washed and dried by hand. Eventhough dishwasher have become fixtures in most homes "fine bone china should be washed by hand". It can be washed in a dishwasher if you use a very mild dishwashing detergent. Do not let it go through the drying cycle.The heat can damage the finish. So stop the dishwasher before it reaches.
Posted by My treasure at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Great day
Posted by My treasure at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Movie
What you love the most of your partner/hubby?
Thanks Ate Joy for the tag.
To my husband? In fact that he really listen to me, ha ha ha he makes me laugh. I love that even if we disagree the love is still there and neither one of us stays angry for long. We respect each other.
Im Passing this to Nora
Posted by My treasure at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Divine Mercy sunday
Posted by My treasure at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Boardwalk Bullet at kemah
Posted by My treasure at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tourist Attraction
Thank you card from Mace
Isnt he so cute on that picture.That's Mace my boyfriend ha ha ha.I was there when he was born and every now and then we seen each other.As in everytime he seen me he looks like he won a lottery.He is a happy baby and very active.He is our friends first son after 15 yrs of marriage.Last Saturday is his 1st bday and of course I was on the top list invited. I did not come because it's for kids and I dont have kids.I will just miss my daughtera nd beside we decorate the church for sunday easter.I just gave him a card enclosed a liitle amount of money.Yesterday we received a card from MAce.A thank you card.You know what is the message inside the card.It goes like this "Marlen & Mari-Dee, thank you so much for thinking of me on my birthday! (I dont know what a college fund is yet,but Mom says that's where my money goes....) YOu two are so good to me. I really like it when MAri-Dee plays with me and holds me. I look forward to seeing her on sundays!" Love,MAce" Wow! what a smart boy? It touch my heart. We really,good friends.Look at him his so cute. YOu will really love him.Dont you know that his wearing a 2 yrs old clothes.....I remember when I working at Philamlife,I always think for my daughter everything is for her...also I get her a College Insurance.Then one day,I could not afford no more to pay.what happened it lapsed..Want to reinstate but the premium now is too high.
Posted by My treasure at 5:44 AM 2 comments
Labels: Thank You
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Thank you
To all our friends who greet us and send cards on Our Anniversary, we do "THANK YOU". Our friendship is means so much more to us,than mere words can ever say. Although this is nothing fancy.The sentiment is true. From the very bottom of our heart, again THANKS. To Susan & Alice thanks for the surprise dinner. It's a really good dinner.We love you all.
Posted by My treasure at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Thank You
Anniversary Message for my husband
Today is our Wedding Anniversary.Marriage isn't easy and its not for everyone. It takes a lot of work. But when all is said and done to make it kind of fun. A little humor and a lot of love and married life is topped by none.
Posted by My treasure at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Anniversary
Tag Along
Thanks a bunch Ate Ate Joy for the tag.
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes let’s hope a long list!) It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
The benefits of Viral Linking:
One of the fastest ways to see your Technorati Authority explode!Increase your Google PageRank fastAttract large volume of new traffic to your siteBuild your communityMake new friends!
And these are the people who already took part on this tag:Blognation, Pinoytek Reyna, Bluep, kotsengkuba, Buraot, Iris, Banco de Reyna, Mitch, Tatapilla, HappyMum, Mommy's Little Corner. A simple LIfe, moms.... check nyo, Maya's Window. Rojoys Daily Update, Mommy Joy of Two, Rojoy's Kitchen, Amazing Friends My Adventure Treasure Simple Living, [next please]
You wanna improve your authority Petra Nora Love
Please grab this tag.
Posted by My treasure at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Shop till you drop
A new breed of shoppers arm themselves with coupon codes and rebates, then find a way to a layer deal upon deal in a tactic called triple dipping. Heres how it works. Go online and find the cheapest price on the item your looking for (use shopping bot or comparison search engine like or Register all sites like and's a free membership.When you go to one of these sites first and click through to your qualifying purchase, you can earn cash back typically 2 to 8 percent. Then search for a coupon code that will effectively drop the price even further. If you find more than one offer (for example, a code for $20 off plus another for free shipping), try inputting both offers at checkout. And now for the cherry on top of your triple dip. Pay with a credit card that gives you cash back, miles or some other reward.
Posted by My treasure at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Shop Online
Sunday, March 23, 2008
HAppy Easter
I woke up 4:30 this morning...I thought I could not make make it! Last night we attend a Vigil Mass and at the same time a sunrise MAss,at the Catholic Church from 8:30pm-11pm.....It's a long service......first communion,baptism and confirmation was included last night during the service....It's a bilingual MAss most of them are Spanish....also 20% Filipino and of course White ha ha ha...THe church was full as in chairs available...Isnt that great! So we went home maybe past 11pm. We woke up early this morning...When it comes to church we dont have any problem w/ my husband and Im proud of matter how tired we are, we dont have excuses we need to go the church. We will attend the sunrise service at the Methodist Church at 6:15am...we need to go early at the Church.The United MEthodist MEn will cook breakfast..althought Im not a man but I had to go with my husband.......The sunrise service was great...except it's chilly outside...the service is outside where the sunrise is? And by 11 pm the Sunday service........And this afternoon,I aint waste a time......I took a nap! as in knock down ha ha ha.... Happy Easter!.....
Posted by My treasure at 6:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: Lent Season
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Good Friday
Yesterday is Good Friday the friday before easter commemorates the Passion of the cross and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. As a catholic Good Friday is a strict fast and abstinece. I attend good friday 6pm service at the Catholic and 7pm at the Methodist. My husband always go with me everytime I attend mass service except if it's conflict...... We arrived exactly 7pm at the Methodist Church,suddenly the preacher came on me and said "can "you read the 3rd SEVEN LAST WORD OF JESUS".....ahhhhhh I said ok....they know that I dont refuse reading.....but they always do that to me! reading on the spot. Sometimes I ask myself you dont read at the catholic church but here in Methodist you're always reading the bible scripture....Huh!..anyway...I did that for GOd, for my's my pleasure that they always choose me...they had a good, as in good service..also had a short special look at the cross by Brad Paisley ( I post a video last week ). They write there sins in a piece of paper,nail in the cross then they burn it....whereas, as Catholic we confess our sin to the Priest....
Posted by My treasure at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lent Season
St. Joseph Nursery,Pearland TX
Yesterday morning we went to ST. Josephs Nursery at Pearland to pick up 50 Easter Lilies.It's an hour from Channelview to there. This is a place if you need flowers,shrubs, or trees. They have a larger selection,healthier plants and lower prices than the hardware stores of Houston Garden Center. Their azaleas roses are look great right now. I love to go with my husband everytime the Old River Terrace Methodist Church order some flowers.You know why? because the owner always give me one free flower..she always told me "get one you like" they are chinese........ the flowers and plants there are cheap....Im a flower plant addict, so far this is the Nursey that I really like....ha ha what I said they always give me free plant....So, if you live in houston and want aplant for your landscaping visit St Joseph Nursery at Pearland.
Posted by My treasure at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nursery Plant
Friday, March 21, 2008
Im a new blogger. They said you will earn through blogging, so here I am.. I check my page this morning and surfing some other links. I check Ate Joy's new blog and I read about snapbomb. After I read her post I was interested to check the site hoping I could earn too. It's about blog advertising and blog marketing. So you guys if you want to earn more through blogging sign up
Posted by My treasure at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: blog advertising, blog marketing, buzz, snapbomb
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Maundy Thursday

Today is MAundy Thursday.I should go to the Catholic Church for the service but it's conflict with the ORT Methodist CHurch which my husband go. So, this evening I decide to attend the service at the ORTUMC.
Maundy Thursday is also called Holy Thursday is a service to commemorate Jesus Last Supper and the beginning of our sacrament. the Lord Supper. The word Maundy comes from the latin mandatum, which means "commandment". At the last supper Jesus gave the disciples a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them.Prior to breaking the bread with the disciples. Jesus was their feet. Maundy Thursday worship services include Holy Communion and sometimes foot washing as well.
Posted by My treasure at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Lent Season
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Trusted,Great Ebayer
I been selling in ebay for almost two years.I met bad and good buyers.....there is a saying " customer is always right ".... So we need patient. Last Monday I sold 27 Child magic Castle Books.In one posting for 5 days I sold them...The lady who bid is from California.She ask me a favor If I could expedite mail the books because it's her daughter birthday this coming Saturday and she promise these books....She will pay me the extra charge shipping......I dont trust thing's like these....but at these times I trust this lady,I dont know why? Maybe, a mother instinct!.... I have a daughter too and I feel how happy my daughter if she got those books on her birthday. so I send it through UPS yesterday and I email her this morning the extra charge for the shipping.JUst this evening she pay may the extra charge through paypal without hassle. To LISA YOU your trusted and great ebayer...Thanks
Posted by My treasure at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: ebay
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Shampoo Great for removing soap scum
I have a clear glass shower door and have tried different methods to remove the soap scum that accumulate. HArd water seems to accelerate the buildup of soap residue on the door. I thought of shampoo as a possible soap scum remover because shampoo is formulated to rinse hair completely...ha ha ha....just experimenting.It works like a charm, with little effort. The type of shampoo doesn't seem to matter. Put a small amount of shampoo on a cloth and go over the surface. Rine, use a squeegee and you are done.
Posted by My treasure at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tip Talk
Monday, March 17, 2008
What a good Monday? I sold two items in ebay today. The 27 books CHild Magic Castle Readers and Dallas Belt Buckle.I really dont call people who bid on my items. At this time,one of my customer ask a favor if I could call her.She's the one who bid the childrens books.This coming MOnday would be her daughters birthday she ask me if possible I could expedite mail the books just let her know how much she owe me.I dont trust people when it's comes like could not tell...since it's her daughters birthday I will give her a chance..anyway,it's my fault !.........before she pay me in paypal she email me how much is the extra charge for expedite mail.I did not check my ebay this afternoon..when the item ended.......We went to saltgrass for supper and didn't like it....I rather love Red Lobster.....
Posted by My treasure at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: ebay
It's Monday
Yesterday was Palm Sunday.....THe ORT Methodist Church have a "GUEST". It's nice to share about your life..... I know how hard for her having dont have any small intestine and large intestine and some other parts of her body and all kinds of pain due to the accident happen when she is still a kid......It's not proper to say inside the sanctuary saying "SHE PULL HER SKIRT, ETC." it dont make sense....In all what she share I dont hear any! any! bible scripture..It's takes and hour but we never heard anything or any lesson..Maybe Im wrong...but that's my opinion.......She also selling a book about her life but why she say everything about her life during the sermon since she is also selling books about her life!......It's make me aggravate yesterday.....when she mentioned about those words are not proper..there are too many YOUTH inside the sanctuary........second I was hungry.. ha ha ha. I dont know either what the Preacher's reaction....maybe he dont expect that his guest speaker will say something about it!....The ORTMC Preacher is an old fashionedddd,probably he dont like it either.....Im not an old fashion...not really! but I dont like the way she deliver her's almost 1pm.......I felt sorry for her..She's from Arkansa and travel this far, far away just to ask donation for her treatment..............Anyway, I have to go to work for a back tonight
Posted by My treasure at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Palm Sunday
Posted by My treasure at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: faith clipart, Lent Season, Palm sunday
Spreading the Love
Ate Liz thanks for Spreading your Love...
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!)
It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponential! The benefits of Viral Linking:- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!- Increase your Google PageRank fast- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site- Build your community- Make new friends!
The Strategist Notebook Link Addiction Ardour of the Heart When Life Becomes a book The Malaysian Life What goes under the sun Roshidan Cyber Station Sasha says Arts of Physics And the legend lives My Life A Simple Life Juliana RW THe Callalily Space Petra Summer in Blue The Pipeline Fixation Jaylance Journal My Restless Feet Soloflight Ed Fil-Oz Rants and Rambling More on Health Around d' World What A world SuperNova & Sweet Pain Dancing with Butterflies Blessed Chic Just Let Go Pieces of Me My Journey Celebrate Life Deeply In Love Rainbow of Life My adventure treasure simple living
Im passing this to Nora Petra qoutable Qoutes Collection Thinking Out Loud and Marilyn
Posted by My treasure at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Friday, March 14, 2008
We made it!......
This morning, we went to Shriners Children Hospital in downtown Houston . The Church collect Teddy bears last month for the childrens who have cancer, so we drop the 70 teddy bears. And we went to St. John Hospital for my husband ultrasound. At 12 pm we went to reliant stadium for the Rodeo.THe weather is 83 degrees.... it's hot....We should be at the first day of Rodeo last MArch 4 but that day was too cold and windy. We go home by 5pm to avoid the heavy traffic. We did not stay until night because we dont know "Clay Walker" the one who perform tonight. It was fun....we look around...
The events and attraction this year are the "livestock and horses show",the world largest livestock shw and one of the most prestigious horses show will fill Reliant Center and Reliant Arena with world class livestock and horses.WIth two show arenas in Reliant Center and two in Reliant Arena..there is always competitin to be seen......if you are in houston and plan to watch the RODEO be sure to stop by Chanpions Row in Relaint Center to see the best of the best with all Grand and Reserve Grand champions from the junior market shows on display. Miniature hereford cattle and dexter cattle (one of the smallest breed of cattle). Also you can see the Mustang Mania, Mechanical Bull, Carnival, Ranch Rodeo, Rodeo Plaza,Quilt Display,Sky Ride (wish to ride but it's too hot and my hubby scared on heights),Sheep Dog Trials, Show Pride,Shopping and dining....
So come to Houston Livestock Show RODEO HOUSTON
Posted by My treasure at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rodeo Houston
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tag from Ate Liz
I AM… a wifey
I WANT….To visit in philippines this year
I HAVE..A sweet husband
I WISH….to see my family and friends in Philippines
I HATE…sarcastic person
I FEAR…alone in darkness
I SEARCH… to try my co-workers in davao medical center in online
I WONDER…why we don't have snow in the philippines hahahahaha..
I REGRET… why i own a credit cards hahahahaha
I LOVE….hubbyI ALWAYS…wish to go in the other country
I AM NOT…happy with my weigth...huhuhuhu
I DANCE…anything
I SING…always of my favorite song
I CRY… so easy when somebody hurt my feelings
I WRITE…my post to my blog
I WON…..50$ scratch tickets last year hehheehe
I AM CONFUSED…my blog layout
I NEED…to go on bed now
I SHOULD…be more learn this blog
THE LAST THOUGHT I GO TO SLEEP WITH IS….my nigth prayers with God.
Thanks Ate Liz....."wala jud ko nimo gikalimtan"
Im passing this to Nora
Posted by My treasure at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Im a water drinker...I dont drink softdrinks or anykind of drinks except water.Water is the perfect drink.It can improve energy,increase mental and physical performance, remove toxins and waste from your body and keep your skin healthy and glowing.How much do you need water in your body? Believe it or not, no one can really knows. But the eight glasses a day rule is a good guideline................
Posted by My treasure at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Watch's amazing
Today, my husband emailed me a video, someone had emailed him I think there Preacher and asked me if I thought we should use it in our Good Friday service at OLD RIVER TERRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. They usually do slides during the service........As a catholic and a christian theres nothing wrong if they use it on Good friday since it's about GOD... So I opened and watched it. I was blown away. This video was amazing and I told him the church definetely, definetely use it in our Good Friday service.
If you take the time to watch it, let me know what you think. Happy Easter!!!
Posted by My treasure at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Religion
Consider these candle Precautions
If you're like millions of us, you probably burn candles for their soft glow and fabulous fragrance. But before you strike that match, consider these precautions.
- Trim the wick each time to 1/4 inch to help the candle burn more evenly, which in turn will make the candle last longer.
- Use heat resistant surfaces to set the candle on and if burning more than one in the same ares keep them at least three inches a part.
- Never burn candles near curtains, stacks of paper or dried floral arrangements.
- keep candle away from drafts. A slight breeze can ignite a nearby curtain or any flammable decorations.
- Never leave burning candles unattended.MAny house fires have been started by forgotten candles.It only takes one!
- The best way to extinguish a candle is by pushing the flame into the melted wax with a table knife or any metal blade. It will go out immediately with no soot or sprayed wax.After the flame is out make the wick stand up.
Take a look at the candles in your home today. Are they in safe containers and away from any hazards?
Posted by My treasure at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tip Talk
Monday, March 10, 2008
Posted by My treasure at 6:04 AM 1 comments
Labels: Computer
Friday, March 7, 2008
If the last stone is dropped into the player's own store, the player gets a bonus move.
If the last stone is dropped into an empty pit or the opponent's store, the move ends.
If the move ends by dropping the last stone into one of your own small pits you capture the stones in the opponent's pit directly across the board and your own stone. The captured stones are deposited in your store. However, if the opponent's pit is empty, nothing is captured.
The first move is played simultaneously. After that play is alternately. The first player to finish the first move may start the second move. However, in face-to-face play one player might start shortly after his opponent so that he could choose a response which would give him an advantage. There is no rule that actually could prevent such a tactic. So, in fact, the decision-making may be non-simultaneous.
You must move if you can. If you can't a player must pass until he can move again.
The game ends when no stones are left in the small pits.
The player who captures most stones wins the game........
Posted by My treasure at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Labels: Pinoy Games
Turn on Skype
Miss your son at college, or your sister and family who lives in Pinas. Wish you could see them while you talk? skype connect through the INternet, but instead of using a phone to talk, you call and speak into a microphone, and you hear the other person through your computer's speakers. The best part!.......YOu can attach small video cameras to your computers so you can see each other. A basic skype account is free..the only cost is for the equipment a microphone and an "eyeball" video camera. I got both for less than $ 40 total and love it. Check out
Good love to talk for long periods of time, and you want to feel like you're right here there with family and friends. But remember, you both need to have the skype equipment and software.
Posted by My treasure at 5:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Phone, Technology
Should Get Rid of my Landline
If you use cellphone as your only phone and have digital service or Internet calling, you may be tempted to join the 14 percent of households who've dumped their landlines altogether. But don't do it. The simple reason cable, Internet and cellphone networks may not working during prolonged power outgates. Plus, theres the matter of 911. If you're unable to give your location when calling from a cellphone, th epolice may not be able to find you the way if you've called from a landline. Instead of ditchig the landline, strip down to the barest minimum plan, so you have it for emergencies.
Posted by My treasure at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Phone
Thursday, March 6, 2008
How to Dance in the Rain
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's, arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him.I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound.On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.
I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him, "And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?"He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is.."I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life."True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.With all the jokes and fun that is in e-mails, sometimes there is one that comes along that has an important message. This one I thought I could share with you.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the best of everything they have.I hope you share this with someone you care about. I just did.
"Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."
Posted by My treasure at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Others
Billboard Sign
Out of curiosity, I did.
A Mexican showed up with a lawnmower.
Posted by My treasure at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Joke
Bear Hug
Posted by My treasure at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Let's talk about food
It's wednesday....and we been in the Income tax office....not for us but for the "WEBSTER FAMILY" where I work with them every morning....we been home almost lunch as in 12pm.Me and my husband was already hungry...I dont have time to cook no more and I got lazy too......So,just this morning The "CARINO'S ITALIAN GRILL " had a new dishes...looks good in the picture,maybe 98% taste good in we went to Carino's....we dont usually go there because they are expensive..maybe once a month or twice a month but their food are really good..I order Chicken's a glazed chicken breast alonside angel hair tossed with spinach (anyway it's a pasta noodles,but they had their own name ha ha),roma tomatoes and garlic...garnished with shredded husband not really like pasta but at this time the advertisement in the paper make my husband convince to eat pasta ha ha ha he order like what I did....he had 3 choices...the grilled chiken diavolo....hope Im right ha ha ha,the Grilled Steak & portabella hard to pronounced.....we dont have this word in Pinas....all i know is S P A G H E T T I.......ha ha ha...... Anyway, we order both the CHICKEN BALSAMICO.....God is good,the pasta just cook right.....sometimes I order fettucine,the pasta is overcook.....but this time "BINGO" what I said my husband dont much on pasta...but he loves it....mexican food is his favorite.......So,if you live in HOuston try the Chicken Balsamico at CArino's Italian Grill.
Posted by My treasure at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Food, Restaurant
Tagged by Weng
Posted by My treasure at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Credit Card alert should include spouse,too
In reference to the hint about notifying your credit card companies if you are going on a trip,especially out of the US be sure to let them know if your spouse is not cominmg with you.
I had a friend whose husband was overseas.One day she called her husband from (out of US), she buy a clothes and her purchased was declined.Her husband contact the credit-card companies to let them know that his wife was still at home(US) and had access to the cards.
Posted by My treasure at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tip Talk
Stay Alert Behind the Wheel
Lack of sleep is a major cause of car accidents........If staying off the road when you're tired is unavoidable.......suck a mint,the scents of peppermint and cinnamon boost alertness while cutting fatigue in drivers....crank the stereo, fast music with high frequency sounds (like high voices, violins, and saxophones) will help keep you sharp.."Brain waves, heart rate and breath will speed up to match the rhythm" Grab a cup of coffee, coffee is more effective than taking a power nap.
Posted by My treasure at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tip Talk
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
When I came home this afternoon after the training,I check my ebay because, my listing will end today.And Im happy 'coz I sold two items. Besides working in the morning, I also earn in ebay.
Posted by My treasure at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: ebay
Safe SAnctuary Training
Every Sunday before the service starts we pick up almost 40 kids.They are poor,no parents,abuse kids. Im one of the second rider in the bus....Im not a methodist but I volunteer at ORT Methodist Church.I could not refuse, no choice because my husband is a Sunday School Supervisor, Bus Ministry Leader,Worship Leader and more.I could not remember some of them.....He volunteer at the church since he retired 8 yrs ago when he had a heart attack.......He said this is what he commit to GOD. This afternoon at 1pm I attend a SAFE SANCTURAY TRAINING...since kids are involved,all persons including all paid and unpaid leaders whether lay or clergy who have any direct or indirect contact with children and youth who participate in any activites or events sponsored by the Texas Conference is required to attend a SAFE SANCTUARY TRAINING. The Texas Conference of the United Methodist church develop and implement training and orientation procedures for all persons in leadership who work with children and youth.The training is about discipline,appropriate physical and emotional boundaries leader misconduct.
Posted by My treasure at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Training
My job
Yesterday is the First day of THE HOUSTON LIVESTOCK SHOW AND RODEO, got off to a cold, soggy start of Monday, with rain pouring down on the grounds for most of the day.Last Saturday and Sunday it's hot here in Houston like summer then suddenly yesterday Im freezing..........this morning the weather went down to 37 degrees.
I woke up early this morning,we will be at the Doctor's office for Pete's PT Test.....Maybe your wondering who is Pete.Im working with them for almost two months tomorrow.They are our neighbour and I work for them from 8am-11am Mon- friday. A few years ago,well that was 2007 ha ha ha...they keep telling us if we could stay with them at day time and my husband will drive with them anywhere. Hello! wait a minute.....We could not tell them that hello! you have 11 kids...Oh well, this is's nice to help some other people but our point here is we could not stay all day in their house because my husband had too many things to do at the church...To make it short last year of NOvember,they convinced us again, at this time we talk seriously.....and Pete Webster decided that he is not capable anymore to drive anymore and cannot do things like what he usually done.My husband treat them like a real parents....So my husband make a contract.....etc....You know what I mean? We ask them what their kids reaction about this plan,they told us that this is just between them and us...the kids dont have a business for paying us.........Can u imagine that! they have 11 kids and they dont care there parents....some of them are all after their inheritance......Pete is a Scottish and he is too tight when it comes to money,dont make me wrong they are a good person.His wife is so sweet. Well, I got that job last Jan 5, 2008 since I aint do nothing at home.Im happy know why? my husband wants me to take Nursing but I dont feel it.For your info I already took the entrance examination last 2006 and I passed.My subject are all scheduled and ready to start the first day of class.......suddenly I change my mind,I told my husband Im not ready for this,please give me more enough time and I dont want to waste my tuition if Im not yet ready.Now, I have a reason why I cant go to College, Im working....I always got my paycheck every MOnday.....My first day, it was boring.....u know why? because we just talk with ALice (His wife) over and over and over ha ha ha....the second day I ask her if she already make me a list what to do everyday..she just told me "I DONT KNOW"sometimes she could not remember things,thats what happen to us when we got old ha ha..... they just need companionship at home.Her husband want me to prepare his medicine...well it's not hard for me because even in the PHilippines when I was highschool I been doing that to my "LOLO" who is in heaven now......they thought I want to be a nurse but they are wrong I took Business Administration major in management....Oh well,lets go back to my main point......they need companionship and converstaion,I do arrange their appoinmnets,medication reminders.... Im good on this....that's why my husband had never been in the hospital since Im here in US..thanks GOD,sometimes Me & Alice....reminiscing the past....
Posted by My treasure at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Others
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Doing Good and Avoiding Evil
There are some things we must never do, as individuals or as a society, because they are always incompatible with LOve of GOD. and neighbour. These intrinsically evil acts must always be rejected and never supported. A preeminent example is the intentional taking of human life through abortion. It is always morally wrong to destroy innocent human beings. A legal system that allows the right to life to be violated on the grounds of choice is fundamentally flawed.
Direct threats to the dignity of human life such as euthanasia, human cloning and destructive research on human embryo are also intrinsically evil and and must opposed. Other assaults on human life and dignity, such as genocide, torture, racism and the targeting of noncombatants in acts of terror or war, can never be justified. Disrespect for any human life diminishes respect for all human life. The basic right to life implies and is linked to other human rights to the goods that every person needs to live and thrive including food, shelter,health care, education and meaningful work. The use of death penalty, hunger. lack of health care or housing, human trafficking, the human and moral costs of war and unjust immigration policies are some of the serious moral issues that challenge our conscienses and require us to act
Posted by My treasure at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Faith
Saturday, March 1, 2008
It's Saturday and time to go for me to church every Saturday night.Im A Catholic and my husband is a MEthodist....through this we dont have any problem with my husband.He goes with me at the catholic and I go with him on Sunday at the Methodist.But take note we got married at the Methodist Church....Anyway, I want to share the gospel last Saturday night service.It's about the sin of "SLOTH". Athough sloth is considered a synonym or laziness,the sin of sloth includes much more than merely being too tired or too lazy to do things. Sloth is more than simply lying on the couch for an entire afternoon. Though the sloth today usually means physical laziness in the original seven deadly sins, sloth was sadness or depression. The word for sloth "ACEDIA" ( from the Greek "akedia" or "not to care") meant "spiritual sloth" The gravity of sloth is that is seen inhibitingf or preventing virtous conduct. It is considered sinful or wrong beacuse in action, in both the spiritual and wordly realms, can be just as bad as wrong actions. Sloth does include being a couch potato, but is also often interpreted as wasting precious time, not doing enough to help the world and avoiding a rigorous spiritual journey. In other words, sloth is not about being too tirwed, it's about not caring enough or trusting to fulfill our inherent obligations.
Posted by My treasure at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Lent Season