Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Credit Card Protection
Posted by My treasure at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: credit card protection, Tip Talk
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Posted by My treasure at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Memorial Day
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Bush league TV
Do you love to watch funny videos? Well, Bush league TV is perfect for you. I remember my brother in-law. He is a redneck. Everytime we visit him in Alabama bush league TV is his favorite topic. They go from smart ass to dumb ass and back with a loving touch of half ass.BUsh League is an internet super team of well informed,poorly behaved experts for all areas of life.Want to get a head at work? Ask them, they can help you.Need to prank a buddy? They covered you. Take thier advice and if it does not work dont blame them ha ha ha..Get's you! For those men who love funny videos check http://www.bushleague.tv It's awesome and Im sure you will not be bored.
Posted by My treasure at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: bush league tv
Money talk in every language
Posted by My treasure at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: password by call
Are you afraid of a snake
Are you afraid of a snake? I am!.they said they dont bite,,,,well Im not for sure all I know is Im scared . In a chinese horoscope I was born year of the snake. Ancient chinese wisdom says a snake in the house is a good omen because it means your family will not starve.This could be taken metaphorically to mean that a Snake could never have a problem with his family starving because he is such a great mediator, making him good at business. Or it could mean that a Snake would be willing to sacrifice his possessions, something the Snake has a lot of, in order to pay for his family’s food. Any way it is interpreted is representative of the Snake’s character and is a measure of the value he puts on his material wealth. The Snake is keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise. I remember when I was working at the Philamlife we have a plan called PROSPERITY PLAN,it's a million value and the logo, a red snake.
Anyway, this morning I went to our backyard to get something in our storage building where our flea market stuff is. When I open the sliding the door I heard a noise. I seen a black snake....that's what I seen...I scream and haller...snake! snake!...maybe if somebody seen me they thought Im crazy. I got nervous when I seen a snake even a small snake..it's not phobia because Im not shaking...So, I jump on the picnic table and call my husband.He is in the church. So, he call our neighbour.A few minutes,our neighbour arrived and ask me where is the snake.So I told him,it;s inside the building.He said where? I could not find it!can you point it to me where? i told him Im afraid on a snake just look in there.SO he look and look and he could not find it.He ask a flashlight.SO here it is the snake is under the shelf table,while me waiting outside on the top of the picnic table ha ha ha....He said here it is,would you like to take a picture.I have my cellphone on my pocket so I take I picture..Im still scared but I have still the guts to take a picture...What a knuckle head? ha ha ha ha ha..That's the snake that our neighboour kill.He is a snake killer....ha ha ha....
If the Chinese Horoscope is true...well thank you.....THe prices of goods and commodities now are too high.....So, the snake is a good sign.we will not be starving to death....ha ha ha..is it a good sign or a bad sign! Well, it's up to you to believe...
Posted by My treasure at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: snake
Friday, May 23, 2008
Petroleum Jelly
Dont you know that there are to many uses for Petroleum Jelly. It helps protect your pet. MOst of us have dogs or cats. If your dogs or cats paw pads are cracked and dry rub a little petroleum jelly on then to soothe the discomfort. If you have problems with the squirrel eating your bird feeder coat the pole of a bird feeder, squirrels wont be able to get at the food.Also neaten your nail job.Dab it on the skin around nails before polishing. If you make a mistake the polish will easily wipe away.
Posted by My treasure at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tip Talk
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Baby Monitors
Our friend Ace have a newly baby after 15 yrs of marriage. Their sons bedroom is fully furnish for the safety,child's health.ALso you will notice the Baby Monitors. It is importnat to them specially that it's their first baby.They said baby is valuable and there are times that need things to be done at home. They put the transmitter in their babies bedroom to the kitchen where the receiver speaker is.Everytime the baby cries they could heard it.Which make sense.You can do whatever you want to do while our baby is sleeping. YOu can hear when he is crying through the baby monitors. They are kinds of receivers its video baby monitor and audio baby monitor. You can compare this through checking http://www.comparebabymonitors.com/. You can get some more ideas.Babies are so precious. So we need the best as we can for them and for us. So what are you waiting now?
Posted by My treasure at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby monitor
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
What a hard head?
Posted by My treasure at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Blog D Tag
I got this tag from Jonah. Thanks my dear Jonah. This is easy. All you have to do is add your blog URL. Have fun!
~~Begin Copy~~
This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Make more new friends.
Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog(for bloggers paste on the “compose” not the “edit html” part in posting blogs so it will be linked automatically).
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can, the more the better!
1. Pictures of Life
2.Juliana’s Site
3.Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.
4.Jeanne-The Callalily Space
5.Starz in De Sky
6.My Charmed Life
7.Denz Techtronics
8.Denz Recreational
9.Life’s Simple Pleasures
10.My Blog
11. Because Life is Fun
12.In This Game of Life
13.Scribbles of my Life
14.Changing Lanes
17.Surviving deployment
18. The Deviant
19.All I want is Everything
20.Shadows of love, fate and destiny
21.Tasteful Voyage
22.A mom’s note
23. Bittersweet Collide
24.Jackie Simplypinay
25.Jackie’s Everyday Life
26. Parisukat
27. Ang Sponge ni Bub
29. Life is too short to be ordinary
30. Life and me by Pinayjade
31. HotMomma by Mathe
32. Live Love Life
33.Amazing Friends
34. My adventure Treasure Simple Living
IM passing this to WHeng and Marilyn
Posted by My treasure at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Monday, May 19, 2008
Old Sitter or Baby Sitter
that's meh and Carlos.......we're tired playing...so we does some film photography ha ha
Posted by My treasure at 8:54 PM 4 comments
Labels: baby sitter, kids
I signed up for PPP
I signed up for PPP and finally got approved last month. Finally, I got paid today meaning I have paid.Whooo,hoo!........ Im so happy. If you want to earn through blogging,it's not to late to sign up for payperpost. Payperpost is a big chance for bloggers which they will earn more bucks through the advertisers. It's so easy just grab some opportunities,post your opinions,if it's approved then you get paid. Payperpost is a big help for me.This is a great opportunity for me specially that Im not working.It's a big help too. Just a simple click in the computer and you will earn extra bucks. Payperpost is not only earning but you met more friends. Dont waste your time, check PPP.
Posted by My treasure at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Labels: get paid for blogging, payperpost
Sunday, May 18, 2008
It's Sunday
Posted by My treasure at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Alarm system
Just last week the weather here in TX, is so hot as in we are in 92 degrees. But this morning, what a chilly breeze? which is good. We just stay at home instead we supposedly watch the strawberry festival in Pasadena. We got lazy. At 11:30am we received a call from Bufallo,TX. It's karen, Hazel and harold's daughter. She want us to check her Mom and step dad because the Alarm system company call her.She call her Mom's House or cellphone nobody answer.She was so worried.They are 83 yrs old.Imagine how dependent they are?We thought is not serious because sometimes HArold and HAzel always busy in there yard mowing, sometimes cleaning their flower bed or maybe their home alarm system had a problem.So, my husband said we will visit Harold after we eat lunch but after 3 minutes Karen call again.SO, we went to HArold and Hazel's house.When we arrived there, two sheriffs was already there.The main door lock was broken and the home alarm system was making a noise too loud every 2 minutes it's stop and on again, but hazel and harold was not home. My husband told the sheriff, we are Hazel and harold's friends. So, we went inside, the key is in the floor and the drawer in their bedroom are all open and the alarm system keep on and off, so I turn it off. Im glad the password is just right beside the alarm box. So,my husband and the sheriff look around.While me, I went outside sit on the swing thinking where are they? We always worried these two people,they are old and their daughter wants to live them in Buffalo but as what I said they want to be dependent as long as they can. So, while Im in the swing I remember the other day,that Harold told me that the senior citizen will help the Rotary Club Fish Fry on that day. So, I went inside and told my husband. we are trying to get a number in the ROtary Club Center but nobody answer.So, my husband call his friend which is on his way to the Rotary CLub to check if HArold's and his wife is there.He said he will be there at the Rotary Club by an hour. We could not leave the house, the sheriff''s are gone. Karen call again,she said her brother and niece is on there way..they just live 60 miles away.So we wait them.I was so hungry! as in starving to death ha ha h....The preacher arrived ask us what happen...so we tell him.He said he will go to the Rotary to check Hazel and Harold. Huh! they dont not yet what happen....LAter on 10 inutes before the preacher left.Here they are I mean Hazel and Harold drive slowly in the driveway.Looking on us with her face expression,look on the door and look on us why we are there? She come out from the truck she said what happen? so we told her what happen....later on her son and grandaughter arrived and then we left.....it's already 1:45pm
It's a good thing they set their home alarm system when they left this morning. We should be careful every now and then. People dont care if they hurt somebody as long as they can get what they want. Some people watch you if your leaving. So check everything before you leave.Homes without an alarm system are three times as likely to be targeted than homes with one. But, if you have an alarm system and you don't use it, you might as well not have one at all. Professional thieves stake out their targets to watch their comings and goings. Over half of all burglaries committed on residences occur between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. If thieves see that you never set your alarm when you leave during the day, they'll make a move.I fell sorry for this thieves.Hope one day they caught in the act.Poor innocent people got victims!
Posted by My treasure at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Lakbayan Meme

Created by Eugene Villar
I like to share this to Ate Liz, Ate Joy, Rosemarie, Jonah, Wheng, and Marilyn.
Posted by My treasure at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My Flowers,they are blooming
I could not think what to post in my blog today. So, I went outside and took some pictures in my flower bed. My beautiful flowers.Finally they are already blooming.Last year, I went to a friend house and I seen this pretty flowers. So, I ask her if I could ask a couple of cut. So, she gave me and I stick on my flower bed and some on the pots. Well, Im not bragging on myself but they always told me that I have a green thumb.Do I? yes I am.....I love flowers.Anyway,this flower bloom only once a year usually they bloom on May. Look at them they are blooming and so pretty. I dont know what is the name of this flower. I seen like this in the Philippines. Everytime we went to Baguio I always bought same like this and they call it May Flower and it's white. I never seen other colors. Below, is my Sampaguita. Could you believe there is a sampaguita here in US our own national flower. I buy this in the Flea market last year. My sampaguita looks like malnourish ha ha....need to move from the pot. I dont even know what they call here in US. I just bought this and never ask what is the name..I just pick it when I know it's sampaguita. I always remember my Lola.Everytime Our sampaguita bloom she always put in a thread and make it a necklace.All her Talc powder and pefume are sampaguita.
Posted by My treasure at 2:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: flower
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Arm Cast Comes Off Today
Posted by My treasure at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My Japanese Name
2. Junelle - zudotokutataku (Thank God I’m a Filipino! sounds like sadako. nyay! hehehe)
3. JACQUELINE - zukamikedokutakitoku (Ayay!! Unsaman ni perti mang taasa..wa ko kasabot nyahahaha)
4. LIRA LUZ - takishika taduzi ( sounds like a title of an anime show) it's cute!
Posted by My treasure at 7:27 PM 2 comments
Labels: Tagged
Happy Mother's Day
We are on our way home when Ate Joy call me.First,she greet me happy mothers day! And of course our usual telebabad. It's nice talking to her eventhough she been busy all the time.Thanks ATe Joy for the call.And to all the food.You tease me.And thanks for the 17 cents,just charge it to the water please.
And to Jessiete, Im sorry I miss your call last Fiday night. I call you yesterday but I forgot your leaving for Conneticut until today that's why nobody answer your home phone.
To my MOm that I owe my life "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" I love you!...
To all my friends who call me and greet me thank you so much. I do really appreciate. And to all the mother's in the world Happy MOther's Day!
Posted by My treasure at 7:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: Mothers day
Get Paid
We been out of town since thursday afternoon and we just come home today.It was a good trip.ANyway,I check my emails today and I received my first payment from snapbomb and blogvertise. I dont believe it because it's almost two months I think and I never heard anymore from blogvertise.So, I check my paypal to check it if it's true.Well, it's there. I would like to thanks snapbomb and blogvertise.Hope they will give more task.
Posted by My treasure at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: money online
Thursday, May 8, 2008
To Do's MEME
GOt another tag from Wheng. We will be out of town today until Sunday.SO before I leave the door I will like to say thank you to Wheng for always tagging me. Busy People 1.) my chopsuey 2.)mind bubbles 3.) vanity kit 4.) somethingpurple 5.) adetour 6.)juls random thoughts 7.)the simple life of a baghag 8.)a sweet taste of life 9.)bits and pieces 10.) My Life in This Wonderful World 11.)In depth 12.)My Adventure Treasure Simple Living 12.) Amazing Friendship 13.) YOUR LINK HERE.
- Get ready for out of town
- fax my daughter papers to the lawyer
- mail my papers to USCIS
- Call the dentist for my husband appoinmnet next week
- Call the pharmacy for medicine refill
- decorate the sancturay for Pentecost Sunday
- Meet the preacher
Posted by My treasure at 5:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: Tagged
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tag Ta bay
Got this tag Q & A from Rosemarie & Jonah. Im sorry my dear Rosemarie I just grab your tag today..Thank you my dear friends for the tag.
Here are the rules for this tag:Remove one (1) question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag eight (8) people in your list. List them out at the end of this post.
1. At what age do/did you wish to marry? 30
2. Have you ever shoplifted? Never
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most? church
4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? be by myself
5. What are you afraid to lose the most? love ones
6. If you win $1 million, what would you do? donate to church & charities,get a pension plan insurance/whole life insurance,buy stocks,a trip to Vatican (St.Peter's BAsilica) & share to friends and families.
7. What do you loved the most last year (2007)? Our trip to San Antonio ,Tx last Christmas
8. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you:TLC friends
9. How do you cope with boredom? make myself busy
10. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most? To take Nursing COurse than BSC MAnagement
11. Which type of person do you hate the most? plastic or great pretender (ha ha ),backbiter, no word of honor,
12. What is your ambition? To have a good job here in US
13. If you had one wish, what would you wish for? good health always
14. How did you celebrate New Year? Plenty of foods in the table and salo-salo together.
15. It is already 2008, do you have a new year's resolution? save money
16. What do you look forward to in 2008? wish one day this yr my daughter will be here with us.
17. If your life is a song, what title best fits it? Maybe "Wind Beneath My Wings"
18. What is your inspiration in life? God, Family,
19. Which world would you want to live in - Love without Money or Money without Love?
Love without Money. Why? you could love without money but how could you love money without love.
20. My question... At this time what are you thinking?
Im passing this to Wheng, Marilyn, Dixie, Nora, Petra, Princess, SRG COllections, and Amazing Friendship
Posted by My treasure at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
More Blessings...
I read a magazine yesterday about a Mom could not have a kids.She dreamed to be a mother. The couple struggle to have a baby for nine years, going through endless test and costly fertility drug treatments.Nothing worked. Their last hope was in vitro fertilization but it was so expensive. Until one day she set her sights on adoption.But her husband had some fears about being a father to a child who was not a biologically his.One day when they are in the airport waiting for a flight going to her husband family, the couple received a call from a friend who knew about their plans to adopt. Her 18 yrs old daughter was pregnant and had decided not to keep the baby. The couple was schock.They never even contacted yet an adoption agency and suddenly they had to make a very big decision.The couple had to many questions.The answer seemed to be obvious but there was aone major consideration. The birth mother was white.The couple was black and they always assumed they will adopt a black baby. The number of African-American children who need loving home.Her husband had a hard time justifying adopting a baby of another race.Her husband had to many question on his self about adopting a white baby.With those question,his family was supported to the couple.They want the couple to be happy....Once the decision was made, the couple change into shifty gear.The baby will be born in a mont and they worked hard to get the legal adoption paperwork handled before he arrived.A few weeks later after that emotionally painful doctor's visit, the birth mother went into labor. The couple was there present in the delivery room and meither of them will ever forget when the doctor handed to her husband their son. At that moment her husband realized that everything what his wife telling him all along was true."The baby wasnt' a black child or a white.He was our child"
The couple know that another miracle was going to occur 18 months later.His wife become pregnant.She took 3 pregnancy test becasue she could not belive it! Complication forced her to go on total bed rest in her 12th wk and her husband took over their first baby care.The time together sthrengthened their father/son bond even more.The fact that they have different skin colors or that theur first son through adoption has never been an issue for the two boys.The two boys love each other deeply and are fiercly protective to each other.If a stranger asks about their relationship they both say matter-of-factly "HES MY BROTHER".Isnt that great.For this family Im proud of you......
Posted by My treasure at 5:41 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Deal or no deal in the Philippines
Posted by My treasure at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Philippines
Rain,Rain Go Away
Posted by My treasure at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: rain
A Beautiful Rose Award
What a great Monday? I got a Beautiful Rose Award from my friend Wheng. I met Wheng just a few days ago and she been present everday in my blog. Thanks kapatid for the nice award.
a rose is a flowering shrub of the genus rosa. It is an ideal gift for someone dear to us like friends, partners in lives and evev parents. It’s the classic expression of love because a rose flower pours forth your innermost feelings to your beloved in the most beautiful way. So give a rose to your loved ones and friends and make anyone’s heart bloom with joy!
Im passing this beautiful Rose award to Ate Liz, Ate Joy, Marilyn, Dixie and Amazing Friendship
Posted by My treasure at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tagged
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Because of Divorce
After Sunday service,Me,my husband, Buffy and her kids eat at Chillis.While we are waiting our food Buffy told us about her friend in school where her kids go. A woman just got divorce hang herself in their garage last week. She had 3 kids the youngest is just 8 months old. Her 8 months old son was in the garage where she hang herself. It's so sad. Maybe she get frightened or upset and dont know what the future holds.Divorce is hard because it feels like your whole life turning upside down.Will life ever get back to normal? Will the fear, pain and uncertainty ever go away?The point here is hanging herself. She been taking drugs before she gave birth her youngest son. Probably the drugs still there inside her body and when they got decided each other the word divorce the drugs push her to .........you know what I mean. I dont know.....I really dont know.....I dont know about drugs nor divorce.......This is just my opinion......Im thinking the kids that she left specially the 8 months baby.
Posted by My treasure at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: family problem
It's Sunday
Posted by My treasure at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Church
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Dont Let History Repeat Itself
Everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect.But no matter how many ways you find to avoid them, some problems do hit head-on.And sometimes you will make mistakes in how you handle them. The key is to learn from your mistakes and vow not to make the same errors again. that way, as you deal with the consequences of your blunder, you can keep saying to yourself "at least when this is all over,I'll never have to go through that again." Learn from your mistakes!
Posted by My treasure at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tip Talk
Friday, May 2, 2008
What the Doctor say
My husband have an appoinment to the Doctor today. I did not go with him because Alice have a dizzy spell this morning due to her new medicine. So, I stay with the Webster.I dont like my husband going without me because he will tell the Doctor what he want.When he come home I ask him what the doctor say he said his uric acid went up to 23% which is good.He been almost start doing his kidney dialysis but thanks to GOD. Still his triglycerides still high. Sometimes he dont tell me what the Doctor say 'coz he dont want me to be worry.I was scared lat year when his kidne went to 18%.The reanl suggest to my hubby to start dialyses.But my husband just ignore it.He said Im not yet that bad.Triglycerides are the chemical form in which most fat exist in food as well as in the body. They are also present in blood plasma.
Posted by My treasure at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Stick your fingers in your ears
Okay, we dont mean literally stick your fingers in your ears. We mean no more eavesdropping! When you overhear snippers of a conversation, you are liable to misunderstand the gist of what is being said. Suppose you hear two of your friends talking about a great party friday night. Aparty you haven't beeninvited to. You are likely to feel hurt, left out, lonely and frustrated. Of course, you missed the beginning of the conversation....the party is a surprise.......for you!
Posted by My treasure at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: party
Say Cheese
No matter how gray the day, put a sunny smile on your face. Your brain will begin to believ taht you're happy. Don't believe us? Give it try. It's a scientific fact that using the power of suggestion(in this case a smile) will help convince yourself that you really are happy. ANd before long, that smile will be the genuine article! If that's not good enough reason to grin, think of it this way.Smiling is relaxing. Your face uses far fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown.
Posted by My treasure at 5:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tip Talk
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Im so tired today
This morning Pete and Alice have an appoinment to the Doctor,the same time. SO my husband and PEte go with the other Doctor and ALice and ME went to hes Doctor.Alice is complaining about his back. There is a small tiny nut moving on her back.So she set an appoinmnet with Dr.WAlker. While we are in the Doctor's Office the doctor ask Alice why you're there? she said "I dont know" ha ha ha ha.... for some reason sometimes she could not remember.She been taking a medicine.. for alzheimer to help her memory.Then she start talking about her dog,cat etc.Bless her heart.I will not waste my time for that craft.They have a good insurance.They go to the Doctor as often as they want.That doctor just figure it out what is wrong with Alice,it's her memory.Then Nurse had a short memory test for Alice.Most of the questions she can answer and maybe 80% she could not remember.SO the doctor decide to change her prescrption for memory.Ands that's it!.....Good timing too 'coz when we are done Pete and my hubby are also done.Pete's had a good blood work except his blood pressure been too low.After, to the doctor we went to krogers to pick up there medicines.When we are on our way home,Marlen's friend Leo call.IF MArlen could drive him goiing to the eye doctor. My husband dont complain nor refused except if he is really tired. My oint is my husband is also not a healthy person but when it comes to somebody needs help, he will as long as he can.So he did and I go with him.Leo is a diabetec person and just have a surgery last wk.He could not drive that far.When we are in the Eye doctor's office while waiting on Leo my husband talk to me about going to Circuit city.I said why?he said just go with me.Im thinking,maybe he wants to buy a new flat screen TV ha ha ha ha...but I said how? Only me knows about our account bal. and credit bal. My husband dont check it no more since we got married.So we went to Circuit CITY. And he did not go to the appliances section but to the Digi cam section. He said,we're here coz I want you to buy did cam the way you want no matter how high the price it is!Oh! oh! did you win a lottery or do you have an extra income that I dont know......ha ha ha.I been want a new digi cam but not now.I said are you serious? he said what do you think? So I choose, a nice digi cam but not too expensive.All I need is the optical zoom, maybe a 7migapixels.My old digi cam been old and dont do things like that and I keep saying I want a new digi cam.Good thing is Circuit City had a one day sale yesterday.So after looking,checking what I want finally I find that I like. I choose a Canon Power SHot SD750 Digital.My husband said are you sure that's what you want? Yes! do you want me to choose the $600 plus ha ha ha ha....He said that's my bday,christmas,anniverssay,valentines, mother's day gift to you.I said I will put this back. My husband said I know you,If you like something you will not put it back...ha ha ha.Then I said can we go home now.Im so tired! as in tired! My husband too...he had and education meeting at the church but he did not attend 'coz we are both tired. I should grab some opportunities tonight but I can't do it.Im so tired!Goodnight everyone.....
Posted by My treasure at 9:00 PM 0 comments