Got a tagged from Nora. Thanks Nora my dear. This is fun too. We always travel with my grandparents.Destination! Manila and Cebu. My father side folks is in Malabon and Bulacan.I remember those days when I was in high school I absent from school just to go with my Lolo and Lola on a seminar just to see the place ha ha ha. My Lolo is a Judge that's why every now and then he had conference in every places.When I was working in MAnila at Philamlife we always have an out of town,outing and seminars.It's fun to see others places.

Created by Eugene Villar

My Lakbayan Grade A+.
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar
I like to share this to Ate Liz, Ate Joy, Rosemarie, Jonah, Wheng, and Marilyn.
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