I been in here in US as a fiancee VISA...so I enter as a non-immigrant last 2006.IM holding a conditional permanent residency for two years and was expired last Sept 2008. SO, I file last May 31, to remove my conditional residency .That's 90 days before my green card expired.By JUne the USCIS received my papers also I received my NOA on that month with the extension for one year.By July I scheduled for fingerprinting.I submit my papers at Vermont Service Center.
I check everyday about the status on my papers but until now it's still CASE RECEIVED AND PENDING.IT's been six month's since they received my documents.It says online it's take 10-12 months before got approved because of the back log.
My question is,Is it really this long before we received the GC or approved our 10 yrs green card?
Can you travel outside the country?
Is there any problem to the PORT OF ENTRY showing your extension paper?
IM posting this because IM hoping that somebody could share their experience.And I will keep posting my updates about my green card so I can share also.
I do really appreciate to all of you who shared....That Im not the only one who is waiting for our Permanent GReen CArd.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Permanent Green Card
Posted by My treasure at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Permanent GReen CArd
I was totally Impressed
Today was Ana's birthday.And we are proud that we are invited.It's a simple birthday party but full of love.She turn's 21st today.They are a Polynesian TOnngan.Hope I spell it right.They have a very nice tradition.But before the eating ha ha ha..her Dad had a little speach about Ana.He tell us that he is proud that he had 2 good girls.When his two girls are in high school they ask there dad "IN what age they can use make up" at age 18 "What age they could have a boyfriend" at age 21. Her Dad proud of it.He dont need to push ANa and her sister to help the church or come the church every Sunday.Nor say ay bad words to him,if there is it's not worse like we usually heard form the young ones now.Ana's dad was proud of her daughter.THen follow the Tonggan's song,then the preacher's message and of course the birthday song and blowing the candles.THen of course the delicious food.Thanks for the Tupou family for inviting us.And for the good meal and the take home meal.For ANa....Bestfriend! Im wishing all the best for you.We love you and thanks for being such a good friend in our family.HOpe you will never change.
Posted by My treasure at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Year's biggest Full Moon Tonight
The full moon Tonight will be the biggest one of the year as Earth's natural satellite reaches its closest point to our planet.Earth, the moon and the sun are all bound together by gravity, which keeps us going around the sun and keeps the moon going around us as it goes through phases. The moon makes a trip around Earth every 29.5 days. But the orbit is not a perfect circle.
The moon's average distance from us is about 238,855 miles (384,400 km). Friday night it will be just 221,560 miles (356,567 km) away. It will be 14 percent bigger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than some other full moons during the year, according to NASA.Tides will be higher Friday night, too. Earth's oceans are pulled by the gravity of the moon and the sun. So when the moon is closer, tides are pulled higher. Scientists call these perigean tides, because the moon's closest point to Earth is called perigee. The farthest point on the lunar orbit is called apogee.
Posted by My treasure at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: full moon
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Snow and Ice surprise in Houston
Posted by My treasure at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
When The Lightning flashes
When the lightning flashes,this is not what you want to see.This is a picture THAT SOMEONE TOOK WHO WORKS ON AN OIL RIG. HE WAS GOING TO TAKE A PHOTO
This is a one-in-a-million photo..............
Posted by My treasure at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Snowflakes in Channelview
Wow! Snowflakes in Channelview.WE need gas for our truck so we went to the gas station and try to fight this below freezing weather.Yes it's true the snowflakes that I seen in the TV is here in Channelview.I been here in Channelview for 3 years and this is my first time I seen snow in some other state call it and snowflake here in Houston ha ha ha ha.We really dont have snow here during winter.
Posted by My treasure at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
EAt for YOuthful Skin
Legumes,avocados,soybean nuts and eggyolks contain biotin.a lack of this chemical can lead to dry skin and brittle hair and nails.SAlmon,the carotenoid that gives this fish it's pink color,astaxanthin, also improves your skin's elasticity.Green tea,its polyhenols protect you against sun damage and help thicken your epidermis,your body's primary barrier to the outside world.Tomatoes, the nutrients in these reduce the chance you'll get sunburn.
Posted by My treasure at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Congratulation PACMAN
I know it's late but Im sending my CONGRATULATION TO PACMAN.What Manny Pacquiao did on December 6 will go down in history as one of the greatest performances of the decade. To waltz up two weight classes and not only beat, but methodically dismantle and outclass boxing’s "Golden Boy," Oscar De La Hoya is an incredible feat. Combined with his previous accomplishments in lower weight classes and Pac-Man has to be one of the, if not the most dangerous fighter.
Why would anyone want to fight this man? Well actually, there are quite a few reasons. Pacquiao is the consensus pound-for-pound best fighter in the world and if anyone were to beat him they could stake a great claim to that intangible yet much-sought-after title.
Also, Pacquiao has become one of the sport’s true "mega-draws." The man has become more than just a sports star in his native Philippines; he’s now a bonafide Filipino Icon. And after wins against over Erik Morales, Marco Antonio Barrera, and De La Hoya, he’s on the brink of global stardom. Fighting him is a nice pay day for any opponent.
Pacquiao is now established into of the strongest weight divisions in boxing, lightweight and welterweight. The amount of world-class pugilists in these weights is bound to cause congestion, and some people can very easily get forgotten about. Enter Pacquiao, with a "name" like Manny’s an opponent could propel themselves into the title picture with a respectable, competitive loss and even join the division’s elite with a win..
Posted by My treasure at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Who do you think will win?
Many boxing analyst believe the fight will be Oscar’s assuring win before he retires. Boxing fans and boxers believe the fight is a mismatch due to Oscar’s size and for the first time Manny Pacquiao will enter the ring as an underdog in this dream match. Bets has already taken place with Oscar being the heavy favorite in the polls.
Ang laking tao daw ni De la Joya para matalo ni Pacquiao. Wala daw sa kalingkingan ni Oscar ang Pacman ng bansa.
The Dream Match Pacquiao Vs. De la Joya is scheduled on Saturday, December 6 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Posted by My treasure at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Secret Santa
"I will," Settles said, the only words she could get out of her mouth.
The secret Santa was a protege of Kansas City's undercover gift giver, Larry Stewart, who died of cancer nearly two years ago. Stewart roamed city streets each December doling out $100 bills to anyone who looked like they might need a lift.
Before his death in January 2007, Stewart told a friend how much he would miss his 26 years of anonymous streetside giving, during which he gave away about $1.3 million. Stewart, from the city suburb of Lee's Summit, made millions in cable television and long-distance telephone service.
The friend promised Stewart he would be a secret Santa the next year. "He squeezed my hand and that was it," said the Kansas City Santa, who would say only that he was an area businessman and investor. "I honored a promise."
Two secret Santas, one from the Kansas City area and the other from the St. Louis area, descended on thrift stores, a health clinic, convenience store and small auto repair shop to dole out $20,000 in $100 bills, hugs and words of encouragement to unsuspecting souls in need.
In this economy, they weren't hard to find.
Cynthia Brown, 40, was laid off three weeks ago from her food service job. Santa found her at the St. Louis County health clinic and gave her $100, exactly what she had asked to borrow from her mother a night ago to buy food.
"I have three daughters, and I can't get unemployment yet. I was down in food," she said.
Leotta Burbank, 50, of West Frankfurt, Ill., was at a thrift store Friday to buy decorations for her sister-in-law's room at a St. Louis hospice, where she is dying of pancreatic cancer.
When Santa gave her money, Burbank collapsed into his arms and wouldn't stop hugging him.
"God provides," she said. "This is real emotional for me."
For the secret Santas, it's not about keeping Stewart's memory alive as much as the meaning behind his legacy.
"It's not about the man, it's not about the money, it's about the message," the Kansas City Santa said. "Anyone can be a secret Santa with a kind word, gesture, a helping hand."
He said the money is given without judgment, but on the condition that the receiver pass along a kindness to someone else. Stewart began his holiday tradition at a restaurant in December 1979, after he had just been fired. He gave a waitress $20 and told her to keep the change and was struck by her gratitude.
Stewart also gave money to community causes in Kansas City and his hometown of Bruce, Miss
Posted by My treasure at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
HAppy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons.
Have fun fun on Thanksgiving Day by enjoying lavish meals with dear ones and indulging them with delightful Thanksgiving gifts.
Posted by My treasure at 4:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pinay in Uk
A Filipina in the United Kingdom has won the legal battle for her dead fiancé’s inheritance.According to the Telegraph.co.uk, the judge hearing the case ruled that there was nothing suspicious in his decision to leave the bulk of his £137,000 or more than P10 million net estate to 36-year old Natalie Magat, his fiancée.A week before he died of cancer on August 16, 2006, Christopher Ward signed his last will bequeathing his estate to Magat and canceling out his brother and sister as the recipients.Ward’s will was challenged in the High Court by his sister, Julie Ann Thomas, who claimed that a brain tumor had robbed him of “testamentary capacity" when he executed the will.Magat met Ward at the Anchor Lodge Care Home, where they both worked. According to her, they had already agreed to marry even before Ward found out he had cancer in September 2005.Thomas, together with her brother, Michael, told the court they had warned Christopher, half-jokingly, to be careful and “not let himself be taken for a ride."She said she was not concerned of how her brother disposed of his assets “so long as he was in a fit state of mind when he did so."However, the court dismissed the case, leaving Thomas with an estimated £60,000 or about P4.5 million in legal costs bill.Judge John Behrens said it was “wholly unrealistic" that 55 year old Ward did not understand what he was doing when he changed his will.“I do not think that the brain lesion poisoned his mind or his sense of right or affected his natural faculties to an extent necessary to invalidate the will. Christopher Ward chose to leave his main asset his house to his fiancée.
Posted by My treasure at 4:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: GMA NEws
Black Friday sales
These are tough economic times, so retailers are launching their Black Friday specials weeks early to motivate budget-conscious buyers. You can normally find the latest Black Friday ads on sites like BlackFriday.info, Bargainist.com, DealTaker.com, BFads.net, and TheBlackfriday.com, so check those out before you go shopping this weekend, because it looks like retailers are slashing prices early this year.
Here's a list of sales happening right now, just to give you an idea:
Walmart: Starting November 8th, Walmart will have in-store specials starting at 8 am. The retailer will be selling several 15.4-inch Compaq CQ50-139WM laptops for $298, Sony's 2GB Walkman player for $49, Samsung's S760 point-and-shoot digital camera in red for $89, a 46-inch Sanyo 1080p LCD HDTV for $798. Check out the flyer here.
Best Buy will also be marking down the eMachines laptop (eMD620-5777) for $299 according to BFAds.net. The laptop includes a 14.1-inch screen, 1GB DDR2, 160GB hard drive, Windows Vista, and AMD Athlon 2650e processor. The site has a side-by-side comparison of this laptop versus the Compaq notebook being sold at Walmart.
Kmart is offering the 32-inch Sylvania LCD HDTV for $440 and the Wii Fit for $90, according to I4U, and Sears has a lot of sales in the electronics department too, so check those out.
Circuit City will be closing some stores this quarter, so it may be running lots of promotions off and online too. Engadget HD found this Sony Blu-ray player for $177 on its website, so you might want to look around between now and Black Friday for more savings.
Posted by My treasure at 6:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: black friday, sales
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Texas Weather
As someone lives in Texas, I know that Texas weather can change very fast.What is a beautiful sunny day the one moment, can at certain times of the year, turn into a stormy, rainy day the next!Texas' climate varies quite a bit, depending on where you go. The most southern parts don't get snow, but the Panhandle does every winter. East Texas gets about 6 to 7 times more rain annually than West Texas.The Gulf Coast has a maritime climate, with hot, humid summers and mild winters. The Central and Northern regions have a continental climate, with hot summers and cold winters.
Posted by My treasure at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: weather
Monday, November 3, 2008
Posted by My treasure at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Former World Fattest MAn to MArry his Fiancee

When he arrived at the wedding venue, Club de Leones, it took 20 minutes to lower the tow-truck's ramp over the hall's steps and then rotate his bed before pushing it through the venue's large front doors.
The bride was mobbed by more than 30 photographers when she arrived half an hour later in a black jeep.
The couple met four years ago when Claudia, 38, visited to tell him that her then-husband, a school friend of Manuel's, had died - due to complications from being morbidly obese.
They grew closer due to their dedication to Christianity and eventually started a romantic relationship, including sex, they say.After the wedding ceremony there was a huge banquet with three huge cakes - which the groom vowed not to eat, as he is still dieting, in the hope that he will shed enough weight that he can walk again. The main dish was a chicken with vegetables. Uribe said: 'It is a heavyweight wedding, but low in calories.'The whole thing was arranged in less than a month when the couple decided they could not wait to wed. Friends, local politicians and sponsors donated money to help pay.

Last year he left his home for the first time in five years, and in August this year he managed to visit a local lake and beauty spot - with the aid of a forklift and a flatbed truck that transported him in his bed. A previous planned outing in March had to be called off when the truck carrying his bed got stuck in an overpass.
Local mayors and media organisations have offered to help pay for the wedding, which will include a cake for 400 guests, but Mr Uribe insisted that he would be sticking to his weight loss regime on the big day. “It will be a hefty wedding, on a large scale, but with a low-calorie banquet,” he told news agencies. He added that he would have "a bite" of wedding cake for the photos, but no more because his diet forbids it. A band named Pesado - heavy - has been lined up to provide the music. A former car spares dealer, Mr Uribe has been bedridden since 2001. He drew worldwide attention when he pleaded for help on national television in January 2006. Afterwards, Italian and Spanish doctors visited and offered him gastric bypass surgery.
But Mr Uribe chose to accept help from Mexican nutritionists working with the Zone diet. He said he will stick to that diet until he reaches his goal weight of 120kg (18st).
He featured in a television programme called World's Heaviest Man, detailing his battles to lose weight and his housebound life. He met Mrs Solis, 38, a widow, in 2004. She has said that she bathes him every day, and "we get along very well". He has said that he plans to launch the Manuel Uribe Foundation to educate Mexican people about nutrition, to combat obesity problems. He has asked Guinness World Records to certify in July 2008, his second title: "The world's greatest loser of weight".
Posted by My treasure at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: wedding.guiness world record
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Daylight Saving Time
At 2:00 a.m. local on Sunday, most of the United States (except Hawaii and Arizona) will leave daylight saving time behind and fall back an hour to standard time.
The annoyance of resetting clocks (or forgetting to, and showing up an hour early for appointments on Sunday) may raise the question of why we bother with this rigmarole in the first place.
Daylight saving time is most often associated with the oh-so-sweet extra hour of sleep in fall (and the not-so-nice loss of an hour in spring), but some of the original reasons for resetting our clocks twice a year including saving energy and having more daylight hours for retailers, sporting events and other activities that benefit from a longer day.
As far back as the 1700s, people recognized the potential to save energy by jumping clocks ahead one hour in the summer - Benjamin Franklin even wrote about it - although the idea was not put into practice until the 20th century.
Posted by My treasure at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: daylight saving time
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Second Day Horse Training
That's "BOW"......he is one of the horses at the Evergreen Ranch.I like this horse because if it's a human he is the MACHO MAN...Isnt it!....The owner also have a flawless horses...ha ha ha haLAst Sunday was our second day training.At this time, I was not bored because we are in the actual training.Like how to walk,stop etc.The horse are very smart. First thing the owner told us is dont look in the eyes of the horse and rub his nose as a sign of friendship.It's amazing!....that the horse can do such things that I couldnt believe it. Hubby and I always watch ROdeo every year.Now I know how the owner give the best training for his horses.At the evergreen ranch the owner told us how he study about horses.Anyway,we are thankful that we have enough volunteer at this time. Next sunday is the last training before the "FALL FESTIVAL".Thanks to the Helmer.
Posted by My treasure at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wowowee in Houston
If you are a fan of Wowowee,dont miss this show.There coming in houston,very soon. Tickets are all available in all Filipino Stores.
Posted by My treasure at 7:27 PM 1 comments
My Father's Death Anniversary
Today is my father's 5th death anniversary.IM here in US now so I burn candles in our yard in memory of my father.I dont think we ever get over the loss of a loved one.I thinks as the year pass by the pain lessens and the grief becomes easier to manage. I had a good long cry today and it helped.I feel a sadness that my husband never met him,yet I know a part of him lives on in me.
Posted by My treasure at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: death anniversary, father
Work Day
Today is "THE WORK DAY" at the church.Hubby wake me up early this morning because the methodist men prepare for the breakfast.For reality hubby dont cook breakfast he just do th pointing! ha ha ha.He went I dont.He was in the church at 5am this morning open the fellowship hall and help the methodist men.I did not go because I have a work day at home.Ha ha ha.It's been two weeks that I did not do my house cleaning.I vacuum last thursday because I could not take it.I work from Monday-Thursday and for this past two weekends hubby and me wnt to flea market.So, I clean all morning while hubby is busy in the church for the upcoming fall festival.It will be soon.I was so tired.I miss the pumpkin carving today at the church and the baby shower this morning.I just remember this evening after church service.
Posted by My treasure at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cold Weather,lazy day
Cold weather is here.....Im freezing this morning.I need to be at Alice house at 8am but I dont feel like it because of the weather.When I arrived at the Webster residence I did my routine job.Then I sit in the table talk to Pete. Then ALice ask if I want to join with them the Scottish Ochestra.Huh! got it!....I love music but this tapes we watch it, I think many times.....Oh well, since Im lazy today I watch with them and take my nap in the couch...ha ha ha ha...same with them too they take their nap.Cold weather makes my day lazy.......How about you?
Posted by My treasure at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: weather
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Gas Priced went down
I filled up gas yesterday because they said the gas went up soon.The gas price is 2.55,But this morning the gas priced dropped to 2.38. It's been a while that gas is so high and suddenly the gas dropped to 17 cents since yesterday.Thanks GOd.Hope it keeps dropping.
Posted by My treasure at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: gas
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Titanic survivor sells mementos to pay for care
Millvina Dean was only 2 months old when she was wrapped in a sack and lowered into a lifeboat from the doomed Titanic. Now 96, the last survivor of the tragic sinking is selling mementos of the disaster to help pay her nursing home fees.
Rescued from the bitterly cold Atlantic on that April 1912 night, Dean, her 2-year-old brother and her mother were taken to New York with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Before returning home to England, they were given a small wicker suitcase of donated clothing, a gift from New Yorkers to help them rebuild their lives.
Now, Dean is selling the suitcase and other Titanic mementos to help pay her nursing home fees. They are expected to go for $5,200 at an auction of Titanic memorabilia Saturday in Devizes in western England.Among the items are rare prints of the Titanic and letters from the Titanic Relief Fund offering her mother one pound, seven shillings and sixpence a week in compensation.
But the key item in the sale is the suitcase, said auctioneer Andrew Aldridge. "They would have carried their little world in this suitcase," he said Thursday.Dean has lived at Woodlands Ridge, a private nursing home in the southern city of Southampton — Titanic's home port — since she broke her hip two years ago."I am not able to live in my home anymore," Dean was quoted as telling the Southern Daily Echo newspaper. "I am selling it all now because I have to pay these nursing home fees and am selling anything that I think might fetch some money."
A spokeswoman for Woodlands Ridge said Dean was too tired Thursday to speak to The Associated Press.She said rooms at the nursing home cost between $1,000 and $1,550 a week, depending on the level of care the resident needs, but declined to discuss Dean's situation, saying it was a private matter.Although Britain has a free health care system, private providers offer more comprehensive services for a fee. In the case of nursing homes, state-run facilities are available and cost much less than private ones. But they are more spartan and offer fewer amenities, such as shared rooms and no private TVs.Local authorities often pay a portion of the costs of private nursing home care based on an individual's assets; anyone with more than $39,000 in assets has to pay their own fees.
In 1912, baby Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean and her family were steerage passengers emigrating to Kansas City, Mo., aboard the Titanic.Four days out of port, on the night of April 14, 1912, it hit an iceberg and sank. Billed as "practically unsinkable" by the publicity magazines of the period, the Titanic did not have enough lifeboats for all 2,200 passengers and crew.Dean, her mother Georgetta and brother Bertram Jr. were among 706 people — mostly women and children — who were rescued by the steamship Carpathia and survived. Her father, Bertram Dean, was among more than 1,500 who died.Dean did not know she had been aboard the Titanic until she was 8 years old, when her mother, who was about to remarry, told her about her father's death.She has no memories of the sinking and said she preferred it that way.
"I wouldn't want to remember, really," she told The Associated Press in a 1997 interview.
Dean said she had seen the 1958 film, "A Night to Remember," with other survivors, but found it so upsetting that she declined to watch any other movies about the disaster, including the 1997 blockbuster "Titanic," starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. Dean began to take part in Titanic-related activities in the 1980s, and was active well into her 90s. She visited Belfast, Northern Ireland, to see where the ship was built, attended Titanic conventions around the world — where she was mobbed by autograph-seekers — and participated in radio and television documentaries about the sinking.
The last American survivor of the disaster, Lillian Asplund, died in 2006 at the age of 99. Another British survivor, Barbara Joyce West Dainton, died last November at 96.
Aldridge said the "massive interest" in Titanic memorabilia shows no signs of abating. Last year, a collection of items belonging to Asplund sold for more than $175,000. "It's the people, the human angle," Aldridge said. "You had over 2,200 men, women and children on that ship, from John Jacob Astor, the richest person in the world at the time, to a poor Scandinavian family emigrating to the States to start a new life. There were 2,200 stories."
Posted by My treasure at 6:19 PM 0 comments
DRop ec
To all who drop ec thank you so much.I really do appreciate.IM sorry guys I was not able to drop ec for this previous days.I have a problems log in to ec.
Posted by My treasure at 5:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: entrecard
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pacquiao,De la Hoya romanticize looming battle
NEW YORK — “Nag-day off kami para lang makita si Manny,” Justina Mataquel of the Bronx, exclaimed as she stood behind the red rope with her camera ready, waiting for Manny Pacquiao.
Mataquel was one of about 50 Filipinos who took the ferry ride from different parts of New York and New Jersey to see the WBC lightweight champion last October 1st. It was Pacquiao and Oscar De La Hoya’s first media blitz stop to promote their 12-round non-title December 6th fight to be held at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas.
Promoters Bob Arum of Top Rank and Golden Boy CEO Richard Schaefer certainly did their best to promote the fight capitalizing on America’s symbolic venues – the Statue of Liberty in New York, Sears Tower in Chicago, the Alamo in San Antonio and the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Posing in front of the Statue of Liberty and placing the podium with the New York skyline behind them, the title-holder fighters both talked about the how this highly anticipated match up fulfills their American dreams. But there were no fighting words between the two then or during the other five-city stops, the last one was on October 7th in Los Angeles.
“This fight, and the fight that he has,” De La Hoya said in New York, “and the heart that he has is a big threat to me.”“It will be a big match,” Pacquiao said. “The love and the intensity will be doubled and fighting Oscar is a privilege.”
Although Pacquiao and De La Hoya seem to want to hug each other rather than fight, their fans, mostly Pacquiao’s, who showed up at the press conferences were the ones who loudly chanted some jabs. “Kahit na mas maliit sya,” said Warren Villanueva of Queens, New York “mas mabilis si Pacquiao. His speed and punches. He can win it.”The five-foot-6-inch tall Pacquiao who used to weigh 135 pounds, has to gain up to 147 pounds.
De La Hoya who stands at 5 foot 10 inches with titles in six divisions, including the WBO middleweight (160 lb) crown, is reportedly at his comfortable weight. But none of those figures and titles means much to Mataquel, a public school teacher. “If Manny wins this fight,” Mataquel said, “magbibigay ng respect din sa amin.”
Mataquel teaches in a Bronx middle school where her students are predominantly black and Latinos. “They know about the fight. Parang tulong na rin sa amin para tumaas ang tingin nila sa ating mga Pilipino.”
And Pacquiao is well aware that for some Filipinos, the American Dream revolves around certain community expectations as this one.“Para sa kanilang lahat ito,” Pacquiao said in New York. “Lalaban ako hanggang may buhay ako.”
Posted by My treasure at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Scammers and Hackers are in ebay
Scammers and Hackers are in ebay.I check my emails two days ago and one of the ebay ebayer send me a bill the item that I bid.If Im not wrong it's a motorcyle parts. I could not remember the name of the ebayer.I could post in here so some ebayer be aware.I was curious and suspicious that maybe it's a scam.So I log in in my ebay and check my messages inbox but there is no message from ebay about the bill.I open the link,and it's empty and I check the date when did I bid the stuff it's Sept.13, So,my suspicious came true because on that date we dont have electricity because of the HUrricane Ike and what would I do with the motorcyle parts.So, I check my ebay again and click the discussion and I found out there that hackers are in ebay.So I email to ebay about my problem.And they response quickly.
Ebay response:
Thanks for letting us know about a suspicious email or website. We'll investigate your report right away and tell you the results in a separate email. If an email or website asks for personal financial information, assume it's fake until you hear from us. If you think you may have given out your personal information, you should change your eBay, PayPal, and email passwords right away. You should also contact your bank to see if there's been any suspicious activity on your account.
Another reply from ebay
Hello, Thanks for forwarding the suspicious email you received. The email is a spoof, also known as a phishing, email. (That's "phishing," as in "fishing" for personal information.) It didn't come from eBay. Our Trust & Safety team is working to disable any websites it links to. Remember that you can always check the My Messages section of My eBay to see if a message from us is legitimate. Copies of any emails we send you about the status of your account or a change in your account information will be displayed in My Messages. This is especially helpful since many spoof emails try to convince you that your account is in jeopardy. If you've given out personal information in a spoof email or website, you need to take steps to protect your identity right away. For more information about what to do, go to: http://pages.ebay.com/help/confidence/problems-identity-theft.html If you'd like to learn more about how to spot a spoof email and stay safe online, go to: http://pages.ebay.com/help/tutorial/accountprotection/js_tutorial.html Keep those reports coming -- you're helping protect the global Internet community! Our Trust & Safety team works closely with Internet Service Providers to shut down fraudulent sites. We also send your reports to Web browser companies so that they can develop tools to identify spoof sites.
BEWARE of all the scammers and hackers that are raging havic in Ebay and PayPal! They are sending emails to personal accounts of Ebay and Paypal users, and convincing them that their accounts have been jeopardized or suspended, and that they need to click their LINK to change passwords to fix the situation. DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WILL HACK INTO YOUR HARD DRIVE!!!! Once you have went into their link, they will IMMEDIATELY get into your hard drive and enter keystroke and password software so they may read EVERYTHING you are typing, and be able to see the actual PASSWORDS you are typing. They will also enter software so they can invite their FRIENDS into your hard drive. They download VIRUSES and TROJAN HORSES as fast as they can get them in. They will get into your EBAY account and list NUMEROUS false listings under your USER ID. PLEASE, heed all the warnings out there, and NEVER answer an email in your PERSONAL account from someone saying they are EBAY or PAYPAL...The REAL messages will show in MY MESSAGES in your EBAY ACCOUNT. If you suspect a message is not real, copy the message, get into your ebay account, and contact ebay and PASTE the message to them. WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER TO STOP THESE PEOPLE. They are HURTING THOUSANDS of PEOPLE EVERY DAY!!! Let's all try to help and make EBAY a safe place again!!!!! Thank you for reading....I hope it helps someone.
Posted by My treasure at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: hackers
Forex Balikbayan Box
I called the Forex branch here in Houston last Friday if they could send me a Forex Balikbayan Box.It cost $5 per box and they will just deduct the $5 to the shipping cost when they pick up your box.I love FOREX,it's cheaper it dont matter how heavy it is as long as you use the exact size of the box.LAst year I send one mont ahed before Christmas and they deliver it on the 24th of December.THe filipino lady told me that they will drop the box MOnday since they will pick up some package in Baytown.So, I wait and waited this morning and the lady call meafter lunch.SHe ask sorry because the delivery man forgot to stop by and drop the box.SO, they will deliver the box tomorrow.If you are planning to send packages in the Philippines for your love ones just check www.forexworld.com and check the branch in your place. They are all over in the UNited States and other country.
Posted by My treasure at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: balikbayan box, forex
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Balikbayan Box
There are millions of Filipinos living abroad. Many of them working and supporting families back home. Filipinos are close knit and sending gifts or pasalubongs are just part of Filipino tradition. For Filipinos living overseas, you would probably have not met someone that has not sent a balikbayan box to their relatives in the Philippines.
If you have questions or requesting a Balikbayan Box pick up, or visit https://www.forexworld.us/v3/default.aspx for mor info.
Posted by My treasure at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: balikbayan box
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Blog Marketing
Blog marketing is the term used to describe internet marketing via web blogs. These blogs differ from corporate websites because they feature daily or weekly posts, often around a single topic. Typically, corporations use blogs to create a dialogs with customers and explain features of their products and services.Typical Blog marketing companies are PayPerPost, Snapbomb, Blogsvertise, Blogitive, BlogPayz and BloggingAds. Each of these Blog marketing companies vary in ways of servicing advertisers and bloggers. This growing trend of internet marketing in the advertising industry has grown rapidly since the inception of PayPerPost.Blog marketing is nowadays getting great exposure, generating buzz and creating a global message to which individual customers can respond easily. It is a powerful search engine optimization tool which can be used to dramatically improve website rankings. Blogs broadcast their content out to the web via RSS every time there is something new. Websites on the other hand wait to be discovered by search engine spiders. It’s like the difference between fishing and hunting. You can sit and wait for fish or you can actively hunt and pursue. Building a readership, it is quite easy for a reader to subscribe to a blog so they can view new postings as soon as they happen. Blogs encourage repeat visits with content being delivered to your favorite reader or delivery by email. Blogs have regular fresh content and they are more up to date. Blogs tend to deal with breaking events and technology insights. Conversation of bogs is encouraged providing multiple viewpoints and discussions. They invite participation and interaction too. Blogs are making powerful influences, it is discovered in a European poll that people are more likely to purchase a products if they read a positive comment for it through a blog. Blogging is one of the fastest ways of announcing your business and spreading the word quickly about what you do. If you start a new business, then you can easily combine blog marketing and traditional website marketing which is very effective. There’s a combined approach in which the website and the blogs are used simultaneously which is the fastest approach. You will gain a much broader reach by using both a website and blog.
Posted by My treasure at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: blog marketing
Friday, October 3, 2008
What is arteriosclerosis?
Arteriosclerosis is Hardening of the arteries, medically known as arteriosclerosis, is a disease where blood clots and cholesterol deposits adhere to the inner wall of the arteries, eventually making the arteries lose its normal elasticity and transforming them into hard, or even calcified, pipes, whose caliber is narrowed or even totally blocked as years go by.
The common impression is that hardening of the arteries affect only the old people, those in their 60s and 70s, and up. This not true. Autopsies performed on young children, ages 10 or down to 5 who died of accidents, have shown that their arteries, in the heart and the rest of the body, already had a thin lining or coating of hardening of the arteries. You could imagine how much thicker they are in us adults.
Hardening of the arteries by itself does not cause any problems, so long as their function and capacity to transport blood to the muscles and vital organs is not impaired or reduced. If the caliber or the inner channel of the arteries is severely blocked by hardening of the arteries, and the arteries are unable to bring enough volume of blood (which contains oxygen and nutrients) to the tissues and organs they supply, those tissues and organs (like the brain, heart, kidneys, intestines, arms or legs and feet, etc.) will suffer from lack of oxygen and nutrition, which is medically termed ischemia.
Stroke, blindness, dizziness, heart attack, kidney failure, liver failure, intestinal gangrene, leg gangrene, foot gangrene, where tissues rot because of lack of oxygen and nutrients. There are other tissues and organs that could be similarly affected.
Preventive medicine is the best “cure”! There is no wiser strategy in staying healthy than to adopt a healthy lifestyle. While there was confusion 3 or 4 or more decades ago as to what a healthy lifestyle was, today, with advances in research, medical and computer technologies, we now know much more as to what a healthy lifestyle is. It is only logical to expect health problems when we smoke poisonous substances, when we overeat, eat the “wrong” food, stay overweight, not exercise, do not relax, or do not take care of ourselves. Plain common sense will tell us that this lifestyle will lead to health problems. You do not have to be a doctor to come to this conclusion.
Since you could not have chosen your parents, there is nothing you can do about the genetic factor. But the modifiable risks, which are within your control, could and should, be avoided or reduced. A recipe for a healthy lifestyle includes the following ingredients: staying off drugs, no smoking, eating fish, vegetables, fruits, high fiber cereals, instead of pork, beef, eggs, diary products (skim milk is good); exercising every day by aerobic exercises, brisk walking, swimming, tai chi, ballroom dancing or rock & rolling, learning how to relax, preferably with family, a friend, or friends, with good music and a good laughter, watching your weight. Being at peace with others and, especially with yourself, brings down the adrenalin and harmful chemicals in our system, and increases the endomorphins and other good chemicals in our body, and slows down aging and hardening of the arteries.
Posted by My treasure at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: arteriosclerosis, Health
This is fabulous
My friend sent this to me and I thought it was too cute not to post in my blog.
It was written by an 8-year-old named Danny Dutton, who lives in Chula Vista , CA. He wrote it for his third grade homework assignment, to 'explain God.' I wonder if any of us could have done as well? [ .... And he had such an assignment, in California , and someone published it, I guess miracles do happen ! ... ]
EXPLANATION OF GOD: 'One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die,
So there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.'
'God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off.'
'God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over your mom and dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.'
'Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there aren't any who come to our church. Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work, like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of him preaching to them and they crucified him but he was good and kind, like his father, and he told his father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K.'
'His dad (God) appreciated everything that he had done and all his hard work on earth so he told him he didn't have to go out on the road anymore. He could stay in heaven. So he did. And now he helps his dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones he can take care of Himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important.'
'You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.'
'You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God!
Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.'
'If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared, in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids.'
'But...you shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and he can take me back anytime he pleases.
And...that's why I believe in God.'
Posted by My treasure at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: assignment, believe, Faith, GOD
Thursday, October 2, 2008
House sell for $1.75
SAGINAW, Mich. - With a winning bid of just $1.75, a Chicago woman has won an auction for an abandoned home in Saginaw. Joanne Smith, 30, recently was the top bidder for the home during an auction on eBay, The Saginaw News reported. Her bid was one of eight for the home.
"I am going to try and sell it," she told the newspaper. "I don't have any plans to move to Saginaw."Smith said she hasn't seen the property or visited Saginaw, which has been hard-hit by economic troubles in recent years.There's a notice on the door of the home saying a foreclosure hearing is pending, the newspaper said. She must pay about $850 in back taxes and yard cleanup costs.The Saginaw News said it could not reach the seller, Southern Investments LLC, for comment.
Posted by My treasure at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: house
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hurricane Relief Supply Giveaway
Tomorrow morning the OLd River Terrace CHurch have visitors from Georgia.They bring some food and clothes reliefs for the people who's victim of the hurricane IKe or anybody who needs.This is open for everybody.I know that it's been two weeks had past since the hurricane Ike hit Texas but there are still some places that they dont have electricity specially in Galveston.I want to help but Im working tomorrow.When the truck arrived tomorrow morning the church members help sort the goods and clothes.The actual giving away of supplies will take place on Friday Oct 3, at 8am till supplies last.So, if you are from east houston and needs some foods and clothes the OLD RIVER TERRACE UNITED METHODIST have a HURRICANE RELIEF SUPPLY GIVEAWAY this coming friday.....located at I-10 East Channelview.
Posted by My treasure at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: relief
Surprise for Pete
I went Pete's house this afternoon and his daughter call from Virginia.She will be here tomorrow and she let us know not to tell her dad, meaning it's a "SURPRISE" for Pete.Isn't that nice! meaning she care for her dad.She's workingbut she will stop by to her dad for a days.Pete has a son lives here in houston an hour from where Pete's live but since I work with them this year I never met this guy.But his daughter Susan I met her twice and she will be here tomorrow. Im sure Pete will be happy tomorrow when he see his daughter......
Posted by My treasure at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
The cheapest ways to get healthy
Keep your eye on that giant flat screen TV you've been wanting.Even when the economy stinks, you dont have to let good health hog your budget.Here are tips on where to save and where to spend.
Buy fruit and vegetables when they're in season. You'll get the best produce for the least coin.In season now peaches,tomatoes,corn and peppers.COming next? Apples,pears, winter squash, yams and bruseels sprouts.
Find a workout buddy and save the cost to get there. WHo's a good buddy? Someone who genuinely wants you both to succeed in getting heathier. You can even enlist the bored mutt who's been gnawing on your slippers.In one study,walking scamp 20 minutes a day,five days a week led to 14 pound weight loss for humans.The cannies got healthier too.
Look for healthy bargains. They're usually right in front of you.Choose oatmeal instead of expensive boxed cereals,beans instead of red meat, and frozen orange juice concentrate instead offruit punch,soda or bottled.
Quit smoking.There are scores of reasons to do this but the one that fits this column is that the average price of a pack of cigarettes is $4.22 nationally.If you're a pack a day smoker,quitting will put an extra $1,540 or more per year in your pocket and remove all kinds of gunk from your lungs.
Treat your feet.Th 26 bones in your feet get a pounding every day.Wear well cushioned, well-fitted walking or running shoes when you'll be walking or standing for long periods of time.Replace your shoes every six to nine months.Get measured wearing your favorite sports socks at least once.
Posted by My treasure at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: health and fitness
Sniff your way to better health
The easiest way to be more focused,safer skinnier and less stressed might be under your nose. CErtain easy to find scents may push your well being higher than the price of a vintage Ferrari.
Peppermint makes you wake up and focus. YOu pay better attention to must do jobs especially ones demanding accuracy. When a peppermint scent was wafting around workers made fewer typing mistakes and alphabetized things faster.
Cinnamon makes you a better driver, IN simulated driving test, a whiff of cinnamon every 15 minutes decreased fatique.
Grapefruit makes you skinny! Preliminary studies suggest that the scent of grapefruit oil may help reduce appetite.Researchers speculate that the oil's smell has an effect on liver enzymes that might help nix cravings and spur weight loss.
Rosemary makes you less stressed. A few minutes of exposure to the scent of this herb curb the release of cortisol a key stress hormone that can prematurely age you. One study suggested smelling this herb (it worked with lavender,too) also can enhance antioxidant activity in your body.
Posted by My treasure at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
I love your blog award
Posted by My treasure at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Cellphone Vs. Bible
Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cellphone?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several time a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected, because Jesus already paid the bill.
Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!Trust in the Lord and
*ASAP (Always Say A Prayer)Have a blessed and wonderful day!
Posted by My treasure at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
First Day of AUtumn

A common misconception is that the earth is further from the sun in winter than in summer. Actually, the Earth is closest to the sun in December which is winter in the Northern hemisphere.
As the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the north-south position of the Sun changes over the course of the year because of the changing orientation of the Earth's tilted rotation axes. The dates of maximum tilt of the Earth's equator correspond to the Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice, and the dates of zero tilt to the Vernal Equinox and Autumnal Equinox.

The declination of the Sun on the autumnal equinox is 0° 00'. On the day of the autumnal equinox, day and night are nearly the same amounts of time. In the United States, there are about 12 hours of daylight on this day.
Posted by My treasure at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Why is lupus so hard to diagnose?Like many autoimmune diseases, in which the body attacks itself, lupus is hard to pinpoint becaus it has an especially wide range of symptoms involving various parts of the body.And symptoms differ from patient to patient.Most people develop painful joints and rash (often caused by sun exposure) but lupus may also cause fatique,depression,miscarriages,idney problems and hair loss.
How do you know if you have it? sometimes you don't................ which can be dangerous because early treatment can prevent the disease fom worsening. The overwhelming majority of people with lupus may be sick with various unclear symptoms for at least four years before they get a diagnosis.There is no one test that determines if you have it. To be diagnosed with systemic lupus ( the most common form) you must hve certain combinations of symptoms and or blood test results including at least four out of the following criteria a butterfly shaped rash across the checks and nose a rash that's raised and crusty,a rash that's made worse by sunlight,oral ulcers,inflammatory arthritis, kidney problems, central nervous system problems (such as seizures),inflammation of the tissue lining the lungs or heart,blood disorders (such as anemia) and positive tests for certain types of antibiotics.
Posted by My treasure at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Dog put out his misery
"You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, just a'cryin' all the time." Who hasn't heard Elvis belt out that rock and roll classic, but did you ever consider the hidden meaning behind those words? Clearly this was a song about the long-term effects of a negative attitude, and the hidden implication is, "put your hound dog out of his misery!"
Anyway,Alice dog name Jimmy put to sleep today.It's sad,I miss that dog he is a great dog.Last thursday Alice daughter pick them up with the dog and cat.They will stay in Willis before the Hurricane Ike.When they arrived in Willis,Jimmy the dog jump in the suburban.After that his limping both legs at the back.Alice been spending to much money in this dog,everytime the animals got sick,or they dont eat she will bring them to the vet.Jimmy is a big dog,an overweight dog.He been in diet.This morning we bring Jimmy to the vet.Ask the Vet Doctor what's wrong with Jimmy.Why his limping? The Doctor told us that Jimmy have a fracture like loosing a screw that you cannot put it back on his legs and both legs are swollen.By the Jimmy been suffering athritis.Alice ask what should we do with Jimmy.The vet said...I could not do anything but there is an option.You can do surgery but it cost more than a thousand dollar.And I will not promise that it could be a successful one or we can put him to sleep.Jimmy is 13 yrs old.It's takes a while before Alice decide Jimmy put in sleep.I know it hurt for Alice.She make the good decision.Alice is 85 yrs old,she dont need to be take care of this sickly dog and good for Jimmy.He will not suffer the pain no more.I believe that dogs are all in heaven.
If you notice that your dog is sort of limping in the morning it's best if you take him to the veterinarian and make sure to give all the information you can about when your dog started limping etc. If your dog seems to be jumping slightly when he walks it's possible that one of his superior articulations are damaged. If your dog does not put any weight on his leg it's probably fractured. And, if you notice that your dog is puts his foot down very slowly and carefully, it's possible he has a wound. Sometimes the motives for limping are very obvious such as when a dog has fallen which can cause his bone to fracture etc. There are certain breeds actually that have more sensitive bones and are more likely to suffer from fractured bones than others like greyhounds, Chihuahuas, and Maltese's. If you think your dog has a hurt leg and you want to examine him, ask someone else to help you. If you think that your dog might have a broken bone, put a muzzle on the dog first to avoid him from accidentally biting you. Start by examining the dogs paw very carefully and with detail, sometimes something as small as a broken nail can cause a dog to limp. Check to see if the dogs paw has any cuts and gently feel the dog to see if there are any areas of his paw or leg that feel hotter, swollen, and areas where the dog seems to be in pain. Make sure to examine every single detail in the dog's paw and leg. If you think your dog might be very hurt, the best thing is to call the veterinarian and take him for a check up.
Posted by My treasure at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Drop ec
Im tired cleaning on our messy yard,falling trees,my poor flower bed....ha ha ha It's alright the important thing is we dont have a major damage.We are blessed..Thank GOD...I miss my blog so Im here busy dropping ec today.To all who drop ec thank you so much.........
Posted by My treasure at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
After Hurricane Ike
Before hurricane Ike comes last Saturday we went to BUffalo.The earlier the better and less traffic too.WE leave Buffalo yesterday because we have already electricity in our street.On our way home we stop in Willis to get a gas but the line is to long.It takes an hour before you can pump a gas....Since we have a half tank we did not wait.Then we stop in Conroe to eat but they dont have electricity,all fast food are close even the small store.So,we decided we just eat at home when we arrived.I told my husband we will just eat can goods.....This is the worst storm I ever seen in my whole life.YOu know what I mean?...THis morning we went to Wal-mart the only one grocery store open near in our place..The pump gas!no line which is good,but inside the grocery store in wal-mart you need to be in line. They count the people come in and out because they dont have security camera.
Posted by My treasure at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Difference between Hurricane and Typhoon
HUrricane and Typhoon are simply different names for a tropical cyclone.These cyclones are given the name “hurricane” in the Western hemisphere (the North Atlantic Ocean, the Northeast Pacific Ocean east of the dateline, or the South Pacific Ocean east of 160E), and the term “typhoon” is applied in the Eastern hemisphere (the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the dateline). That said, there are even further distinctions throughout the world. The term “severe tropical cyclone” is given in the Southwest Pacific Ocean west of 160E or Southeast Indian Ocean east of 90E. The term “severe cyclonic storm” is given in the North Indian Ocean. And the term “tropical cyclone” is given in the Southwest Indian Ocean.
When the maximum sustained surface winds of a tropical cyclone is less than 39 miles per hour (34 kt, 17 m/s), it is referred to as a “tropical depression.” In the area between this 39 mph (34 kt, 17 m/s) mark and 74 mph (64 kt, 33 m/s), it is known as a “tropical storm.” And then, of course, as it reaches the 74 mph mark (64 kt, 33 m/s), it becomes classified as a hurricane, typhoon, or one of the other names mentioned above.
Posted by My treasure at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: weather
Hurricane Ike
We just come home from wal-mart buy some can goods,waters and things need to be use for the coming hurricane. I never been experience a bad hurricane since I arrived here in US like what happen in New Orleans few days ago and the katrina before. Some times just a little bit rain and a mild wind......not like this coming hurricane it will be 135mph,as what the prediction is...... I empty all are freezer incase there is no electricity, buy cases of waters and more can goods and of course full tank on our two vans.Texas officials were encouraging residents in the path of Hurricane Ike to do three things listen to what local officials say, monitor weather reports and gas up, now.Incase Ike gets stronger maybe we will evacuate earlier going to Buffalo.
Hurricane Ike strengthened in the Gulf's warm waters Wednesday and churned toward the Texas coast, and officials started to evacuate the first of millions of residents who could be in the storm's path. Ike bloomed to a Category 2 storm and was likely to grow even stronger before its predicted strike on the Texas coast early Saturday.
If more Texas officials order a mandatory exodus, it would be the first large-scale evacuation in South Texas history. State and county officials let people decide for themselves whether to leave a hurricane area until just before Hurricane Rita struck the Gulf Coast in 2005. Now county officials can order people out of harm's way.
Keep us in your prayers!.....
Posted by My treasure at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Spreading the Christmas Spirit Tag
Thanks Wheng for the Christmas Spirit.It’s so simple. Copy the photo below then write your blog and your wish this Christmas 2008. Your wish has to be something PRICELESS and SELF- LESS… something that money can’t buy… something that another person will treasure dearly. 1. Bits and Pieces by Jan: I wish Gino and I will be able to convince friends to help us sponsor a simple Christmas party for the children of White Cross Children’s Home in San Juan.
2. The Wifey Diaries by Jannesse: My birthday falls on the 22nd of December. I have always wished to spend it with orphaned or abandoned kids. I’d be super happy to spend my birthday with them. That way, they get early Christmas presents from me. Oh, and can I wish for a baby, too? Please?
3. The Versoza Inc. by Con: I’d like to have a simple Christmas party for all the children of our employees. Times were hard on our company this 2007, but still, the Christmas Spirit should not be overpowered by it. Christmas is about family. So our Christmas party should not be for employees only, but for their families as well. Also, I wish our clan would make it a tradition to have a Christmas gift giving project. My Tita Doi started it last year with the Antipolo church children. I am looking forward to this year
4. Jengspeaks by Jeng: Every Christmasmtime, our group Friends Empowered to Serve would solicit money, clothes, food, etc. to give to our chosen charities such as Anawim, PGH Chilrdren’s ward and the street children of Manila. This year, we hope to be able to give more and add the families along the pier in our list of recipients. We also want to give the children there a simple Christmas party with food, games and gifts.
5. life. love. family. work. travel: Christmas won’t be the same again for our family this year. my eldest sister and her family is migrating to the US. a few years ago, my elder sister migrated to holland with her two kids. my ate from holland might not come home this Christmas and would probably just spend Christmas with our ate in the US. i hope and i pray wherever we are, we will still feel the spirit of Christmas within our family. i also pray that my parents won’t get too much affected of this change. they’re already old and i’m afraid that loneliness might affect their health. i hope my brother and i and our own families could cheer them up in the coming days and could keep the usual happy Christmas spirit in our homes.
5. Me, Myself and I : I wish that I could donate something in a charity or for anyone who badly needs a help this year. And of course, WORLD PEACE!
6. In this Game of Life : I wish poverty will be alleviated to those who are suffering from it. I pray that kids all over the world, especially those who are supressed and abused to be spared from harm and sickness. And those who are affected of any wars will be spared from violence. We will continue with our yearly family tradition of spending time and our gifts to the babies and kids at Cribs Foundation.
7. Angel's Heaven: I wish I could sponsor a Mcdo party for the kids in Noah's Ark. I wish there will be no more orphans and all kids will be loved by their parents.
8. In Depth: It’s been a month now when my Dad experience a terrible pain in his shoulders and only to find out that his spondylitis recurs. One of my wish for this coming season is that my father may nurse back to health. Please include him in your prayers.
9.My Adventure Treasure Simple Living: I wish the hurricane will not hit houston this week or anywhere,my mother-in-law successful heart surgery next week,good health always for my love ones and hopefully the lawyer can help us my daughter will here with us soon
I want to share this Christmas Spirit to Ailyn, Ate Liz, & Ate Joy,
Posted by My treasure at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
HAve you experience what I experience?
Im selling online.....what pissed me off is my customer? I know that customer is always right.I been selling for too long and I never experienced a customer like this...WHat will you do if you have a customer like this?....HE bid on my item,until the time ends.I send him and invoice after one day,no reply,I email him no response.So I wait for another 5 days no contact,emails or any sign....I have a patient on my customer but this guy pissed me off.HE bid another item....Im glad he did not win the bid.After 7 days,I report him on ebay...Reason given for Unpaid Item: The buyer has not paid for the item. Buyer actions reported by seller: The buyer has not responded.Maybe this buyer thought that I will mail the item eventhought I did not received the payment,but his wrong,I dont play that game..PAyment first before you can get yours. After an hour I report him to ebay he reply quickly.......he said:I'm Sorry for the delay, I was Busy the past week up to the Labor Day Holiday. Don't worry I will still purchase the said item. Is it ok if the payment will be transacted this Saturday (Sept 6, 2008)?Pls reply to this concern so i'll know your answer. Thanks and again I apologize.I told him sounds like your not interested,IM glad you did not win the second bid.....he keep email me everday since TUesday SEpt 2,.....Friday he paid........he email me and ask me when are you gonna mail the item....I already paid etc.....HEllo!!!!!!!!!!!!! he paid 5oclock in the afternoon and post office is already close......saturday he email me again ask the same thing......sunday...same thing ....and today monday.......same thing and the last thing he ask me is are you gonna give me a feedback??????...Im thinking if I gonna give him a positive feedback.....feedback is voluntary...........I never encounter a customer like this......I got irritate,but I said to myself "YOU NEED TO CONTROL" ha ha ha ha..IM a nice person but this guy keep bugging me everyday twice a day since he pay.......When I check his file this is his first time to bid on ebay......just registered two wks ago.......
Posted by My treasure at 3:24 PM 0 comments
GOt paid again
Yeheeyyyyyyyy,I got paid again today.I dont expect that I got paid from smorty .Also I got paid from digxa mini stores.Thanks
Posted by My treasure at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: get paid for blogging, smorty
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Thanks for another year.
Last friday was my birthday.Just dont ask me how old I am...IT's a top secret......ha ha ha....As long as I am good health always. I have a great, great birthday.......First of all I would like to thank GOD for all the blessings he bestow on us,to my family who is always there for me and to all my friends who greet me.You make my birthday complete.THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!!!
Thanks honey for the beautiful flowers,thanks to Mom FAye for the beautiful card,and to my family in the Philipines thanks for the cards and to my daughter thanks for the handmade card.I love you all.
to all September celebrants
Posted by My treasure at 6:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: birthday
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Avoid Identity Theft During a Disaster
Posted by My treasure at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: earthquakes, evacuate, fire, hurricane
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I was so dissapointed
TOday Pete had a blood test for his Renal. A nurse should be on Pete's house on or before 8am because it's a fasting.Maybe your wondering why they took blood at home.THey have a home healthcare that do Pete's blood test and therapy.THe nurse should be there Monday but since it's holiday she told Alice she will be here today on or before 8am........8am,9am,10pm pass by no NUrse coming.And take note Pete dont eat yet his breakfast nor a single sip or water.So,I ask Alice maybe we could call the Nurse or the home healthcare.She said "NO" we will just wait.I told her it's not right!And honestly I dont like this last Nurse that always does Pete's blood.She looks like she always not on herself...looks like she's always floating.....,Im sorry if Im wrong but that's what I observe.Sometimes,when she come in she forgot the bottle where she supposed to draw Pete's blood or sometimes she forgot to put the papers and she alraedy sealed the envelop where she supposed to mail the blood to the lab.....So here it is she drive back to the clinic and get the bottle and comeback.I dont know.But Alice like her and she will not say anything from the home healthcare.Anyway,let's go back to Nurse.I could not resist,I call my hubby if he can call the direct RN supervisor from the home healthcare and ask him where is the Nurse?Is she coming today?Pete is starving to death!..... I could not call because ALice is with me and she just told me that she dont know the phone but I know she dont want me to call the main office...My husband have a cellphone number of Steve the RN Supervisor.....Im concern on Pete because it's already past 10am and he never eat nothing.NO calls from somebody,if the nUrse is coming today or not.And later on we heard from the supervisor....he said the Nurse took a blood already last friday. I ask Alice how come she know what kind of blood for she will draw since the paper is still here at home.THen the RN supervisor call again explain..... all kinds of reason ....... and tell alice that those Nurse are not paid to come in their house...hello!......it sounds that they just take advantage to Pete and ALice...I know they got messed up today and they will not admit it and tell the Webster that they are not paid to do that.They dont know thay last week we went to the lab and have Pete's blood work and the nurse told Alice that I would not draw blood to your husband becaus there is a home health care coming by in your house.I dont want you to pay twice.And now they told Alice they are not paid for!......huh! I was really dissapointed this morning.I told Alice that next time the supervisor come tell him we you need them since they could not service you.Anyway, we can drive them to the hospital to draw blood if they are acting like that.THis people dont care,beacuse this couple always say "YES" whatever they say which is not right! for me.....all the convincing power..........................Pete and Alice had a first stage of alzheimer and I dont like this people take advantage to themThey are like Mom and Dad to us..Is it wrong if I act like this!......HOpe that Nurse realize what she did to the old man (Pete) this morning.Andthis afternoon Alice call me and inform me that THE RENAL OFFICE dont receive any result for the blood....huh!I dont know......It's up to Pete and Alice if they will continue the home healthcare.I understand that these people (healthcare) are busy but be sure to do there job right....
Posted by My treasure at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Just when you thought

Posted by My treasure at 5:37 PM 0 comments